

yes I'm the bitch of my world
this is a short story so I didn't put so much efforts into this so sorry for that if you like it please like it

a girl was ugly and fatty everyone call her ugly even her parents so she got in a deep depression and her parents bully her everyday

in her school
a group of girls bully her
bullies : hey ugly bitch can go and get me juice
she buyed and gives to the bullies
bullies spread the juice on her
and she runed from there

she has secret place and she sit there and
she said to herself I'm so ugly why did made me and she remember her crush and decided to tell him that she loves him

she : I love you
he : hahaha hey you ugly bitch you love me wow you know I don't deserve like you ugly
she runed from there too

after that incident she calmed home and that boy edited the incident
and send to the teacher and the teacher send to her parents

parents : why did camed to house don't you have a embarrassment
she : what did I did now
parents : shows the adio
she : wow.. mom dad you know that girls bully me everyday and at home you bully me everyday should I die mom
if I die you will be so peaceful right
and she go to her room to die
parents cried
parents : daughter come out please we will say nothing to you from now on okay momma and daddy are very sorry

she was in her room and seeing the writco and she got inspired by
sparkle shot she and liked most the thoughts ( don't say yourself ugly
and ignore who says you.
because you have a
beautiful heart and they
have ugly heart )

after hours she camed out
parents : dear we will transfer you to another school dear she : no mom I just need a long time holiday
parents: ok dear

after two months
she camed to the school that bullies sawed her they got shoked because she was so beautiful and got slimmed I

after class the principal called her because her teacher become the principal

principal : don't you have a shame why did you even camed to the school
she : you know ma'am why did I came to school principal : why she : to destroy you and your school haha

after that the bullies called her and she go to them
bullies : hey bitch long time no see
she : yes I'm a bitch of my world and I can destroy you in seconds
bullies : hehehe what a joke
she : hahaha this is not a joke dear
bullies : going to kick her but she kicked her and fighted with the every bully

after that she go to him
hey.. dear.. he : oh.. hey bitch
she : yes iam a bitch of my world and I can destroy you in seconds he : wow.. really then show me she kicked him
and he just sit down and said sorry
she : hahaha see what did I told you I'm the bitch of my world and I can destroy you in a second hahaha

and next she uploaded something on social media and the school got banned

in a wisper sound she said see I'm the bitch of my world I can destroy you in a second hahaha

and there are many motivational words if like that words then comment me

© zaara 🤞