

First kiss of rain (EDITED)

Dark clouds loomed overhead, promising rain, yet holding it back as if hesitant to release their burden. Within the school's corridors, students reveled in the excitement of an impending storm. Their laughter filled the air until one curious student remarked, "Is today the day for the first rain of the year?"

A distant rumble of thunder echoed ominously. It sent the students scurrying to their classrooms, speculating that this might be the heaviest rain in years.

Meanwhile, a weary worker sat by a window, gazing at the forbidding clouds. His mind was consumed with thoughts of the impending mess: "How much dirt will it bring? The students will traipse mud and water all over, and I'll have to clean up the mess. I despise the rain. I despise it so much."

Just then, the Vice Principal arrived and reprimanded him for idling. The worker, remorseful, agreed to get back to work.

As he began mopping the corridor, the clouds growled louder, and the rain started pouring down. "Why do I hate rain?" the worker wondered, as if speaking to the clouds. "Don't they have the right to shed their tears and lighten their load?"

His contemplation was interrupted by a soft whisper, "What makes you hate me so much?"

Startled, the worker looked around but found no one. He dismissed it as his imagination and continued his work. Again, the whisper came, "How can anyone hate this beautiful phenomenon?"

"Is that you, clouds?" he asked, his voice trembling.

A girl, completely drenched, stepped forward with a smile. "No, it's me."

"You frightened me," he stammered.

"I apologize," she said. "

But what are you doing here? Why not return to your classroom?" he asked.

"Everyone craves for the first rain. Don't they?"

"I dislike the rain," he confessed.

"But why? The clouds have the right to shed their tears and lighten their burden."

"True," he admitted. "But take care, don't catch a cold."

"I'll try," she promised. Lowering her voice, she asked, "By the way, do you truly hate your life?"

"No," he replied, his eyes moistening. "Some days, I get weary, but I won't stop working hard. I promised someone I'd fulfill her dream."

The girl hugged him tightly, despite his protests. "Thank you, Dad," she whispered and returned to her class.

Tears welled up in the worker's eyes. "Why should I hate the rain? Even the clouds have a right to lighten their burden." He looked at the rain with new eyes, appreciating its cleansing and renewing qualities. Taking a deep breath, he smiled, "I think I love my life, and I love the rain."


© mayorisan