

parents love
onece girl named Sierra was one and only child of their parents she hates her parents a lot becuase thay are old and thay can't do their work when thay need thay call Sierra. Sierra was very disappointed and angry that her parents always ask her for work why thay can't do by their hands she totally forgot that she is talking about her parents who helped her to grew up thay did job to make her live peacefully but she don't understand she was totally in devil shaitan trap.
she have an other world she have her own world to live she really low songs she always use internet and don't focus on her parents how they are living did thay need her. after few years Sierra was an age to get married and Sierra mothers went to Sierra and ask her my daughter now you are going to get married she said mom you don't need to worry when I found a person I will marry soon and please go from here and don't talk me on this topic thay was very disappointed after hearing that . one day Sierra was standing on bus stop and waiting for bus than a boy came sitting on a new and big car he asked Sierra to sit in Sierra was stuck she don't know him but she sit with him than thay became friends and the story begin thay meet everyday the boy was very kind hearted he tell Sierra that he was coming today with his parents for their relation she was very happy not because she was getting her love beacuse she was getting rich she was very greedy she tell their parents that navede is coming today with his parents so make something special her parents asked daughter who are thay why you didn't tell us she said it's my matter not your than she closed her door when navede come with his parents her parents saw that Sierra parents are old and her mother make meal for them and Sierra was using phone when navede and her parents saw thay was shocked and tell Sierra the girl who doesn't know her parents value how she knows her mother in law and father in law value we are not stand more here but we want to say last thing parents are everything value them before it's too late then that gone from there and Sierra was understand that money is not everything but parents are everything than she apologized from her parents and promis that she spend her whole life with parents then after that thay lived peaceful and Sierra was full changed .
NOTE. friends please respect your parents thay spend their whole lives to grew you up when thay get old it's your responsibility to never feel them that thay are alone please before it's too late life never became beautiful with money life is beautiful with parents i hope you understand if you are angry from your parents than apologize from them please please share this story to others to spread good deeds.please like comment follow and are it thank-you .