

MY LOVE ❤️( Let your love know what you feel..)
Its being a while since we met each other but many things changed in all these years, when it's your love, care, affection and everything is just same as it was when I first met you I know I'm bit crazy sometimes but it's bcoz you will tolerate me, I'm bit messy but bcoz your my only soul to clean and reset, I'm bit bossy bcoz your my One and only kingdom. I'll be with you till the end I'll always be yours only Queen to make you feel like you're kingdom is just under your sweet heart and the things will always remain same between us as long as the Sun and moon remains same till there end alphabets and phrases may change love towards you it's just like a star it will be hidden but it always exists in the sky to shower brightness to the Earth the same way I'll always be your side to shower my love to u, Respect u, and support u till the end wheather the river way is hard to reach its end no problem I'II be with you we together create a way to cross it safely and build our as a bridge to our relationship
This is my Pink promise to u My Love ❤️😘
© puzzel_creations