

look for monsters

"Everyone wanted her to cover her body and head. They gave suggestions not to go out alone, not to come back late. They kept reminding her that the world outside is not safe, that the streets at night are roamed by monsters. They trained her on how to identify a bad touch from a good touch. They deprived her of freedom in the name of tradition in the past, and now they do it again, claiming it's to protect her from the monsters of the world.

But while everyone is so focused on the monsters outside, they overlook the monster already inside their home—the one who made an infant suffer, before she had even opened her eyes to see the world. This is the tragic reality of many women in India, where we focus on the dangers lurking in dark alleys, yet fail to confront the horror that thrives within our own homes.

Look for the monsters roaming inside your own circle. More often than not, it is someone close to you, disguised as a normal human being. The real tragedy is that for so many women, the danger isn't out there on the streets, but right in the spaces that should be their safest refuge."