

It comes to me. Its head covered with the black cloth which has marks of claws in it. Its torn long cloth made me chill down my spine. It was standing in front of me. I hadn't moved an inch so do It. I could hear the screeches given by the atmosphere I'm standing. The grass was consoling me ,I can feel it is mumbling something to. I looked to my sides, All I could find was that. I was in a sunken deep forest. My mouth was shut as it was stitched with needles. It came towards me like a floating creature and given me a small wrapped up box. I can see nothing in It's eyes, it's gift, I unknowingly took and opened. I can only find myself in a place where I was found in an hospital seeing my First human beings, my parents. I realized It just send me to the mortal world where I could only meet him after many years,yes that's I when die. Days past....I had forgotten what It was really like and why did It send me here..

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