

The Midnight Visitor
Something woke Thery up and it wasn’t the sticky, balmy heat of the summer night. Her eyes fluttered open in the darkness of her room, blinking slowly, while her body remained in the same position, unmoving. Her chest rose and fell softly to an even rhythm, drenched in pools of sweat that soaked through her tanktop and curved her nipples.

So much heat, she thought, her head turning toward the open window away from the bed.
The curtains were still, the atmosphere damp with coagulated heat. Thery silently moved one arm, throwing back the covers that made it seem like she was in an oven.
It was no better. Her sleep shorts had stuck to her skin and her legs were sticky and hot.

With her mind fogged with sleep, Thery wondered at what initially woke her up. The digital clock beside her showed—12:01, meaning she hadn’t been asleep for long, having gone to bed at 10pm. Maybe it was the heat. She could use a drink of water but not willing to move, she remained on the bed, her gaze to the dark ceiling, tracing vague outlines of the curtain’s shadow.
Almost lulling herself back to sleep, Thery heard a distant noise, like footsteps coming up the hall to her room.

It was probably her mother, she thought sleepily, drifting away.
When suddenly she remembered she lived alone now. She had moved out months ago so it couldn’t be her mother. Her eyes immediately flew open, but the rest of her body laid still.
Thery couldn’t move.
Beads of sweat ran down her forehead as her heart started pounding with fear. Fear at the footsteps quietly approaching her bedroom. With a little creak, the door to her bedroom yawned open, spilling the hallway light she never turned off into her room. Nobody was there and yet her eyes darted back and forth in horror at the footfalls entering her room.
It sounded wet and squishy.

Away from the light, the darkness of her room began to twist and bend, forming a tall, slender silhouette at the foot of her bed. Thery watched in terror, her body laying helplessly and her voice unable to leave her throat as the silhouette crawled onto her bed.
Claw-like hands shifting like shadow slithered onto the skin of her legs, cold and wet, forming goosebumps that broke on her skin like a million moles. A soft growl filled the air in the room, coming from the faceless thing crawling up her legs, parting it gently like they were lovers preparing for a steamy time.

Thery couldn’t be sure she was breathing anymore, her pounding heart felt about to burst from her chest. Her fear was so palpable it tasted ashy in her mouth. Loud pleas rose in her chest and died in her throat, escaping only as a terrified whimper.
The thing of shadow and darkness, cold like winter seized the band of her sleep shorts with its claws and ripped it clean off her skin, letting out an even deeper growl. A horrible sense of danger and disgust filled Thery but she could do nothing. Her paralyzed exposed body laid there, her wide eyes darted back and forth, her screams filtered out as whimpers.
What she assumed was the head of the thing rose up slowly and disappeared inbetween her thighs.

Maybe this was all just a bad dream, she thought as a tear slipped down her face. Maybe she would close her eyes and wake up with a jolt, sweating but okay.
The wet sensation blooming from her folds gripped her mind and broke all her thoughts. Her entire body vibrated in response.
It was no dream.

In a deliberately slow manner the thing began stroking her with its tongue, nuzzling deeper into her thighs eliciting a strangled whimper from Thery.
The heat igniting in her body felt wrong but as its tongue circled and teased, she found herself bowing to the toe-curling sensation. Waves of quiet desperation for more climbed her fears and buried them. Thery let out a muffled moan and gave into the moment with total surrender.

© 0506girly