

What is happiness
When we talk about happiness, we have no perfect definition that we can particularly associate happiness with. For every person out there, happiness varies and has different meanings. For some people, happiness could be finding the perfect partner or getting the job, car, house, or pet they always wanted. I suppose that happiness is abstract and can’t be put into a vessel to be measured. Happiness is something that just lives in our souls and makes us enjoy the present more. Happiness is something that comes naturally, it is kind of like a ray of sunshine that comes out when we feel instant joy over the little things. Some people consist of the art of being happy and content with their lives all the time rather than drowning in misery or fretting over the past. There is no formula for happiness nor any chemical which can make you happy forever and take you out of the misery that you are currently sinking in. Did you ever notice that happiness is a mere reflection of our moods when we are happy everything around us seems to be full of life and covered with vitality? This instant feeling of joy is what we all crave and wish to have more in our lives but sadly life doesn’t work that way there tends to be a balance between grief and bliss. I reckon if you had more blissful days or even years, you would get bored with life and would automatically start taking everything for granted. Life would be drab. Happiness can not be life longing but we sure can stay optimistic throughout by being more grateful for the things we have, by adopting an attitude that life will indeed bring in our favors as well. Happiness is all about feeling more positive emotions and thinking rather than the negative ones. Now when it comes to positive thinking for some it may be having a vague path, more realistic goals, a purposeful life, and so forth. Now the question is how one will achieve all this, well it can be all adopted by different measures for some meditation is the key, however, to some, the obstinance lies in being practical in life. To me personally, this all seems quite obscure because gaining tons amount of wealth, or even scoring top in your class would sure give you temporary happiness but you still hit rock bottom. You will still be wondering okay I got a 3.8 GPA this semester how to achieve a 4.0 next semester. You see here is a funny thing about humans we see other individuals out there and assume that they are happy by having that certain thing, an individual in their life and you start to contemplate that I should have it to be happy. What you don’t realize is that they might not be having a good time with that thing, or they may be tired of having it. We often go like “Oh man my friend got all his life figured out he will surely go ahead in life for sure”. And after a few years when you hear from that friend of your class who was topping geometry class is now failing in his business, you are likely to respond, “Sheesh dude seriously I thought you were going quite well and got it all figured it out.” But you see the time you took fretting and stressing about the fact that your friend is far away ahead of you just got wasted. The minute you started comparing your life with other beings is the minute your life starts flying away. The killer of bliss is comparison also, the more you compare the more you will feel that you’re lacking whether it’s coming to your friend circle, relationship circle, job circle, and so forth. You would always feel that you’re missing something out. The feeling of happiness I guess lies more in the present moment and we all tend to lose that.

If you are someone out there who is facing a hard time out there and feels like happiness won’t ever come your way just know that someday you would be happiest. But for now, all you need to do is reflect on yourself and pay more gratitude for the things you have. No need to compare your life with other people where you are is where you ought to be and from there you will attain great heights just have faith in yourself. In the end here is a little poem to just fill those gaps within you.
Happiness is not something that you seek

Happiness is there in you, you just got to believe

Just take a few minutes to reflect on life and what it gave you

Happiness is inevitable and it will come out of the blue

Happiness is there, Happiness is here, Happiness is everywhere

Happiness is present within your affection and care

So, my dear, do not compare, do not compare

Build your own happiness and just don’t fear.”

-Laiba Bashir

© laibu