

Chapter Four
As Selene drove him to the lab, Daniel could feel himself beginning to change. He reached into his coat pocket for his pills and took two. He started to sweat a little and his heart began to pound. Selene glanced at him while driving.

"How ya feeling?" She asked. He let out a small laugh.

"Just peachy."

"Hang in there Daniel. We're almost there." She stated. She felt his forehead.

"You have a fever. You're already starting to turn."

"That's just great." He said, in sarcasm. His breathing then became labored and he began to feel light headed. He clutching his chest and let out a small cry of pain.

"Just hang in there Daniel. Just stay with me now."

"I'll do my best."

As they pulled into the parking lot of the lab Selene parked in front of the entrance. She got out and helped Daniel get out of the car and into the building.

"What's wrong with him?" Asked one of the scientists.

"We need a cure for the vampire virus as of yesterday."

"What?! There's no way! It took us months to prefect the virus."

"Steve, I'm only going to tell you this once. If we don't find a cure this man will turn and, most likely, kill us all. Now move it!"
"Who is he?"

"A cop. And a friend. Now go!" She helped him into a quarantine room and sat him down on a cot.

"Stay with me Daniel. You're going to be alright. Just stay with me."

"Just remember your promise."

"It won't come to that."

By this time he was shaking uncontrollably. So, she helped him lay down.

"It'll be alright Daniel. Don't worry. We'll stop this." She said caressing his face. She stood up and walked out, locking the door behind her.

"Selene, there's no way we'll find a cure for the virus. It's impossible."

"Nothing's impossible."


"If we don't find a cure this man is dead! And so are we." She stated, walking away.
Many hours passed, and, still, there was no cure. Daniel was running out of time.


"Nothing Selene. This is pointless. We'll never find a cure in such a short amount of time. Its probably best that you put him out of his misery." Stated

"Keep working on it." Steve sighed


She stood in front of the two way mirror and sighed with anxiety.

"Please let us find a cure soon."

Another hour passed. Then another. Daniel was in agony. And, as each hour passed, his hunger became unbearable.

"Come on Daniel. Fight it. Hang in there." Whispered Selene, as she observed him through the two way mirror. But Daniel was on the verge of insanity and couldn't fight it any longer. And Selene knew it.

"We're out of time." Stated Selene to one of her volunteers.

"You're going to kill him?""
"I have to. I promise him I wouldn't let him suffer. Give me the gun." The woman handed it to her.

"I'm going in. No matter what happens do not open that door, understand?"

"Yes ma'am. "

As she went in she closed the door quietly. He sat up and looked at her menacingly. She stood there in wait. His eyes, which were completely black, locked on hers. He bared his fangs, which were sharp and yurned for the taste of blood.

"Come on Daniel. What are you waiting for?" He cocked his head.

"I'm sorry Daniel...'' She said, lifting the gun.

"But I made you a promise." He then stood up. He wasn't there he was now a slave to his hunger. And she knew it. The man she knew, was now a monster.

"I'm so sorry, Daniel.'' She said, pulling the trigger. The bullet hit him in the chest, knocking him to the floor. But it only wounded him for a moment. She lifted the gun again and shot a second time, knocking him against the wall.

"STOP! Don't kill e'm! We've got it! We've got a cure!"

"Give it to me, quickly!" She quickly injected him with the syrum.

"Come on Daniel. Come back to us." She whispered. Soon he took a deep breath.

"Thats a good boy." She said smiling.

"What happend?" He asked , looking at his wounds.

"You had to shoot me?"

"Yeah, but we now have a cure."

"I didn't hurt you did I?" She smiled and shook her head.

"No. Got it to you just in time."

"Oh, good. Now, can I get back to work?"

"Oh no you don't! First we're ganna remove those bullets and then you're going to rest."

"For how long?"
"Until I say you're well again."

"Whatever you say doc."

"Good. Now let's go." She said, helping him up.

"Selene..." She turned to him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. "He shook his head.

"Not just for the cure, but for keeping your promise." She smiled solumly.


© Elizabeth Harris