

What was Anna doing when she lost what matters a lot to her. she hadn't known of it till the eventide swept in 5 days after the music night show at the Shatel tower. Was it her pride? Her pride she would sacrifice for what she had lost. Was it money? She would pay any amount to gain back what she had lost and would even borrow if she hadn't the money. Was it her boyfriend? Very much likely. love can be blinding and more valued than any other thing. But still it's a "No" for Anna. She would prefer to break up with her boyfriend who actually isn't looking out for her at the moment. Then what has Anna lost? jeezzzz! Was it her family? She actually has all the members of her lovely family in worry asking her the same question. All eyes just fixed on her. Soon the police arrived and Anna began to cry. "It wasn't my intention mom. I only wanted my name out there. Don't let them take me away". Mum cuddled her daughter in confusion. "What did you do Anna? Tell me what happened" said Mrs Petrov. "I promise to tell you everything if you don't let them take me", said Anna. Immediately some police officers came in. "Mrs Anna Petrov you are under arrest for the alleged murder of Mr Patrick Corbel and we advice you to be quiet and cooperate for anything you say shall be used against you". They grabbed Anna who was still nestling in tears in her mother's care and she screamed that she doesn't want to go with them. Her mother couldn't do anything as well as her father and siblings. They all watched on disheartened and confused. " Go with them. I will get you out as soon as possible" said Mr Patrov as they took her away. What has Anna done? What has she lost? Why did the police come looking for her? After she was taken 8months passed with Anna in detention and on the 27th of the 9th month the real story was published in the newspaper . " Mrs Anna who was arrested for the alleged murder of Mr Patrick who was Shatel's Chief Judge for the Music Talent department has been subjected to a less stringent punishment after several evidence proved Anna claims right about Mr Patrick attempting to rape her during which she accidentally stabbed him on the neck with a scissors she struggled to reach on his desk . In other words there is a strict order from the court to keep Anna grounded for 6 months for not informing the police or calling in the medics which if she had done Mr Patrick wouldn't have bled to death. She claims she was threatened by Mr Patrick who told her to sleep with him or she would never be crowned the winner of Shatel talent show of the year no matter how well her performance turns out. She also claims that Mr Patrick had been making advances to her after she got to the third round of the competition and had always requested to see her in hidden places which she had always turned down. The court after investigating to ascertain if Anna claims were right came to agree completely with her claims especially after referring to the previous case files of Mr Patrick who was caught attempting to rape a 15 year old school girl 28 years ago and also engaged in sexual assault two times in the month of December. When Anna was asked what she went to do in Mr Patrick's house in the first place she replied that Mr Patrick tricked her into believing that some clients who happens to be his business associates were amazed at her performance on the 15th round night show and have a business proposal for her which he had fixed a meeting for at his place. She was further questioned on why she believed him after the several advances and the signs of pervertedness she saw and her reply to the question Mr Johnson the prosecutor regarded a blatant lie. Mr Johnson believed that Mrs Anna had an affair with Mr Patrick after it came to his knowledge that she was occasionally seen with Mr Patrick at Shatel and he has always spoken in favor of her until the Grand Finale got around the corner. Mr Johnson during the court proceedings said that Mrs Anna killed Mr Patrick just to keep something hidden from being revealed. That she had pulled it off each round with the influence of Mr Patrick and realizing that Mrs Anna is not fulfilling her own part of the deal he decided to let the cat out the bag and render her efforts to become the winner futile. Anna who vyed for fame was plunged into frustration that culminated in her making the decision to take him the way of all flesh. Anna declined the accusation as soon as it came off Mr Johnson mouth. Mr Ransom the criminal defendant who hasn't lost a case throughout his career and a family friend to the Patrov's really got lose by asking Mr Johnson what would a young innocent and talented girl want from an ugly pedophile. " money and fame", Mr Johnson replied. Soon after there was a noisy argument which the chief judge had to stop with a censure.
Conclusively, since Mr Johnson couldn't come up with a sound evidence to prove his claims, the case was decided in favor of the defendant. Anna journey in the competition came to an end and she was grounded for 6month. She did get infamous and that was never what she had hoped for. However, she believed the truth of what had really happened would disseminate and then she would be able to live a normal life and make her big dreams come to reality. It did as her growth which had been declining on social media began to appreciate after the first 6days of her being grounded. Her loss was about something she never knew would come back to her in the future and since she thought that no one would believe what had happened she assumed her life was marred. Anna had always dreamt of being a famous Artist and actually saw herself in it. After she applied for Shatel Music Talent Hunt and got called up for audition she became more dedicated, hardworking and ready to do whatever it takes to go a long way in the competition knowing fully well it was her best opportunity to actualize her dream.
After 6 month from the time she got restricted from public view, she noticed that people never spoke ill of her but praised her for reserving her virtue and were sorry things had to go the way it went. When she was called back to perform at Shatel as a second place winner she insisted severally on declining but her parents managed to convince her to go. She arrived to meet a lot of welcoming faces and attended to a good no of greetings. Her eyes welled up in tears when she stepped onto the stage to meet a gracefully welcoming audience making a standing ovation. Everyone were so happy to see her. Some held up a carbon paper with the image of a heart that symbolized love, some threw kisses towards her, others clapped with a smile on their faces. After the ovation was a splendid performance from her, then an invitation to perform at a top show in Las Vegas.
All along her loss was a fantasy. In other words "Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes around in another form".

Author: Maxix Molly.
© Maxix