

It's funny how we perceive death.Really,we all have our own perception of death.
Some have fear of death and some are awaiting for it.

Lia,a girl wearing a hospital gown sitting at a bench in the garden watching the childrens,teenagers and elders everyday coming in and out.
She smiles as she sees a child jumping with happiness for he's already cured.

She stood up and started walking to the door of the hospital garden but stops midway "Lia,how many times should i tell you to stay where i can see you."her mother yells with an angry look but all Lia did was just smile.She knew her mother loved but also tired of her.
She cannot do anything but smile.Embracing the last day's of life even though theirs no one who will be with her she still wants to spent her day's with happiness and joy not wanting to feel the negativity her family are putting on her.
She knew on the first day when people started talking bad things about her sickness "She is such a nuisance to her family" "She is eating her family's money" "Why don't she just die" "Her sister cannot even go anywhere because of her" and many more where she knew that her family would one day feel the same thing so she stopped talking and shut her sorrows within herself but now that it's her last day's she just want to smile and spread positivity around her.

Lia's in her hospital room fighting with her sickness and the doctors and nurses are just looking at her.They cannot do anything for it was her last moment.They wanted to call her family but she stopped them she knows they're busy.They feel heartache for her as she's still smiling while fighting.They've never seen someone embracing death with so much positivity.
"Time of death July 30th at 10:30am".
© lost_in_mymind 2023