

Destiny Part (II)
She bumped into a guy
Noof: "Watch out you creep!!"
As she raised her eyes she could see a tree like boy with his shirt sticking to his body and every detail could be witnessed..
It was the same guy who spill over the mud on her uniform..
Her Friend:"You know him?"
Noof:"How can I forget this ugly creature( She didn't meant it. He couldn't be forget cause he was dammm good!)
Her Friend:"Ahh! Noof be careful with your words. Do you know who he is?"
Noof:"President's Son-in-law!. Why should I care and once more you defended him first I'll watch you then him. He is the one who spoiled my first day!!!."
The boy again walked away leading his group.
Noof:"See! All he got is ego and nothing else!"
Her Friend:" He is the one and only crush of the whole college including teachers. He's Cheif Trust's son ARSHEEN. If he want he can throw you out of college anytime. His dad is the only decision maker of the college. "
She was still with her words
Noof:"Whatsoever!. If he want I am ready to go."
And the class bell rang
Noof:"RUNNNNNNN!!!! we're gonna be late all because of that VIP...Arghhhh!!."
It was 12:30...Noof and her friend was heading to canteen for lunch. Her friend again messed with her on early morning's incident
Noof:"AMYY you're so mean. I don't want to eat anything GOODBYE! HUH!
When she stood up something cold felt over her shoulder. This time it was cold coffee
She screamed...
Noof:"What the hell it's happening with me today."
When she raised her eyes to see who it was this time. It was again the same guy Arsheen but this time a little bit surprised with full widen his light brown eyes.
The boy left running as fast as he could..
The school was now over and the Noof returned to her home wearing brown uniform instead of white😂.
Her Mother:"Oh Dear! What happened to your uniform "
Noof:"A blind young guy did all this"
Mother:"Oh Poor! I hope you didn't shouted at him. Poor guy he was blind."
Noof:"Mom, he was unique blind. He could drive. He could order cold coffee and could spill it over me."
Her mother got everything what might have happened. She somehow made her cool down and to forget everything. Her mother told her that she don't have to go school tomorrow. She has to go with her mother to her office for fun fair. Atleast now she was happy a little bit
It was 12:50 am...
Arsheen: " Who is this. I think I know this girl. Oh! it's the same girl with whom I messed up today. But why is she coming close to me.
Emmm! hey what are you doing her. Why are you smiling answer me. Hey emm! stay back.. Whoops! Are you trying to kiss me . Stop Heyy..Heyy!.
He woke up with sweat all over his body and forehead. He stood up and checked if there was someone in his room
Arsheen:"No one's here. Was it a dream?,but why did it felt so real. Why did I felt her kiss
I know what to do. "
He called his friend at 1:10 am..
Friend:" Are you okay buddy. Is your mom dad okay. What happened?. Why ??. Where???
Arsheen:"Hold on man everything's alright. "
Friend:" You fall asleep earlier I've never saw you awake at this time. "
Arsheen:"Yupps! man I've never seen the scene at midnight. But I just saw a dream that's what woke me up. "
Friend:"What happened tell me"
Arsheen:"I just that girl in my dream"
Arsheen:"God! Buddy why're you so dumb"
Friend:"I don't know about whom you're talking I wasn't in your dream or your dream is not a movie that I can watch and I would have known about whom you're talking"
Arsheen:"That morning gir.."(his friend didn't let him to finish this).
Friend:"Oh oh I got the one who bumped into you yesterday morning, the one who shouted at you, the one whose uniform was messed by you, the one about whom you kept taking whole da..."(arsheen didn't let him to complete that he was talking about Noof whole day)
Arsheen:"Yups Man all these...I saw her in my dream "
Friend:"Dream... It should be a nightmare man"
Friend:"Okay what did she said?"
Arsheen:"Ehmm..ohh..Ehmm she..shee..Emm"
Friend:"Easy man don't hesitate I'm your friend you're free to talk"
Arsheen:"Well she kissed me!"
Friend:"Hahahahhahaha...lol...hahahhha.. are you sleeping upside down..KISS.KISS.hahahah .Man , she might have slapped you and you felt like kissed haha"
Arsheen:" Stop it man. I told you she KISSED me "
Friend:"Okay where"
Arsheen:"What where?"
Friend:"Oh! Arsheen you've got body parts.. Hands, fingers, nose, lips NECK.. where did she kissed?"
Arsheen:"FOREHEAD" (he lied.😂)
Friend:"Well that's okay and kinda cute. I am feeling drowsy. We will talk about it tomorrow at college"
Arsheen:"Okay you sleep but I'm not coming tomorrow"
Friend:"Why buddy?"

Why he's not coming tomorrow... What did he felt for Noof .