

A familiar calling, almost a sense of dejavu. Is it insanity, or simply a case of one's hell? I'm unsure, for life is a learning experience through forced stimuli. Not of the sense but of the heart. Choices that can hurt, choices that can change the world. Yet it's when those choices lead to same end result, is one truly broken or are they trying to fix what was broken from their life? Yet again I'm unsure, but it's right to be this way for that I'm human. I've accepted that factor, broken down that whole hero mentality, I'm only one man. Who am I to deem the world fixable or worth fixing? Our time will come, not of death but when we prove ourselves the most. We all just wanna be noticed, told what we are doing the right thing for the right cause. Easily clouded by judgment, yet life moves on. I guess that is the beauty of being human. That desire to be more, anxious of our own downfall.
© theillusivewriter