Thousands of years ago in ancient China, there lived a beautiful young woman named Mulan. She lived with her parents and a dog named Little Brother. Mulan’s father had once been a great warrior, but his leg had been injured in battle. As an only child, Mulan felt responsible for upholding the family honor.
One day, a man arrived with terrible news from the Emperor. The Huns, China’s enemy, had invaded. The Emperor had ordered that one man from every family must join the Imperial Army. Mulan’s aged father had to fight again. Mulan knew her father was too old to fight.
Later that night, she made a big decision. After saying a prayer to the Ancestors, she used a sword to cut her hair short. Then she put on her father’s warrior clothes. As her parents slept, Mulan, now dressed as a young man, jumped onto her father’s horse, Khan. Then she raced off to join the Imperial Army in her father’s place. Somehow, she would find a way to bring honor to her family.
When Mulan arrived...
One day, a man arrived with terrible news from the Emperor. The Huns, China’s enemy, had invaded. The Emperor had ordered that one man from every family must join the Imperial Army. Mulan’s aged father had to fight again. Mulan knew her father was too old to fight.
Later that night, she made a big decision. After saying a prayer to the Ancestors, she used a sword to cut her hair short. Then she put on her father’s warrior clothes. As her parents slept, Mulan, now dressed as a young man, jumped onto her father’s horse, Khan. Then she raced off to join the Imperial Army in her father’s place. Somehow, she would find a way to bring honor to her family.
When Mulan arrived...