

The Kitty Tea Spell
CHAPTER 9:Blitzkrieg Boys

You must find her. You must help her. Save her. Set her free.
Find her. Save her. Free her.

You squint, and groan at your thumbing head. It feels like someone hit you with a frying pan.

"You awake?" a familiar voice sounds. Slowly you open your eyes to stare up at a white sealing.

"How do you feel?" turning your head to one side you look straight at a bluish grey kitten with his intense purple eyes fixed on you.

"Kai. I'm okey I think. What happened?" you ask as you lift a hand and rub your head.

"You somehow managed to summon Dranzer and even used his blazing gig attack. But seems it was a bit soon, seeing as you fainted because of it." Kai explain. You blink and remember the match with Tala. Looking around you realize you are in some kind of hotel room. Assuming it belongs to the Blitzkrieg boys, but not seeing any of them, you turn back to Kai.

"So it was you talking to me then?" you question.

"But who is it you want me to save Kai?" the kitten stare at you.

"I didn't say anything." He then states. You blink a bit confused.

If it wasn't Kai, then who? And who did they want me to save? A girl? You think, trying to place the voice in your dream, but without luck. Just as you're about to tell Kai, the door to the hotel room opens and all three Blitzkrieg boys comes in.

"How did you manage to summon Dranzer?" Tala ask you while you're eating lunch. After you had woken up they had taken you to the hotel restaurant. Kitten kai is hiding in a small bag under the table, you had insisted on taking him with you, the four of you are now eating and discussing the details of you joining their team.

"I'm not quite sure. It was the first time I did." You explain as you take a bit of your lunch.

"Dranzer usually don't listen to anyone but Kai. So you must have used it for a while." Spencer continues. You nod and tell them the story you and Kai have made up. He had visited you a few weeks ago and asked you to look after Dranzer while he was on a business trip for the Hiwatari company. When he had seen the ad for the World Championship he had asked you to step in for him until he was back. The three boys looks suspicious at you when you finish, you know it's a somewhat thin excuse. First of all, Kai leaving his Dranzer with you is unlikely. Second, it doesn't explain how the two of you know each other. But the boys seems to accept it and doesn't ask more about it.

"You'll be a substitute blader for the team, which means you'll be sitting on the bench unless two of us is unable to battle. Understood." Tala explains. You nod.

"You'll still be training with us, so prepare yourself. You don't seem like one who's used to out type of training." Bryan adds. Swallowing, now feeling a bit nervous, you nod again.

"Don't listen to him, you'll be fine. Anyone who can wield Dranzer can handle that training." Kai says from under the table, making you relax a bit.

"What's up with that kitten? It meows a lot and you bring it everywhere." Tala asks and glances under the table. Receiving a glare and a small growl in return.

"And it doesn't seems to like anyone but you." He adds. This makes you laugh.

"He's just very unique." You say with a giggle.

"Watch it!" Kai grumbles, making you laugh again. The three Blitzkrieg boys looks curious at you. They aren't the type of boys to like sweet, giggling girls, but something about you gives them a different feeling. Like you belong better with them, than with giggling girls.

After talking for a bit more, you make arrangements with your school and family to take some time off to train with the Blitzkrieg boys and participate in the World Championship. There is however, someone you forget to tell, which quickly catches up with you as you're home packing for the training trip to Russia. The Blitzkrieg boys is with you to guide you in your packing.

"Warm clothes, bathroom stuff, passport, beyblade…" you mumble to yourself as you pack. While you're standing there with your head in the closet, the doorbell rings.

"Could you guys get that?" you shout to the boys. Spencer responds by opening the door, which is followed by a loud scream.

"Who the hell are you and what have you done with our Corni!" a female voice shouts, making you jump out of the closet in surprise.

"Oh my gosh!" I forgot to tell Tess and Dan about all of this!" Kai, which has been sitting on the bed watching you pack, lifts an eyebrow.

"The photogirl and the idiot?" he questions.

"Kai! Dan is not an idiot." You scowl as you run to the door.

"Tess. Dan." You make your way past the muscular whale that is Spencer, and greet your friends with a smile.

"Hey girl, who the hell is this giant, and don't you dare tell me he's your boyfriend and the readon we haven't heard or seen you in over a week. Because he is so not wordy!" Tess says glaring Spencer up and down as she talks.

"Ehehe, no he's not. I'm really sorry, I forgot to tell you about what happened." You say apologetically as you let them in. Spencer simply shrugs and walks back to his spot on the couch.

"You forgot about us?! That was kind of you." Your female friend replies with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry. It's just that so much happened lately."

"That's okey, just tell us now." Dan says as the three of you enter your living room and your two friends spots the rest of the Blitzkrieg boys.

"Wow you really gotten a harem, huh." Tess jokes with a smirk at the boy's frowns.

"Actually Tess, that's the world famous beyblading team the Blitzkrieg boys, minus Kai Hiwatari that is." Dan explains as a matter of fact.

"How do you know about the Blitzkrieg boys Dan?" you question surprised.

"My grandpa owns a beyblade mechanic shop remember. I often help out so of course I kept track of the World Championship. The Blitzkrieg boys came second last year. If you don't count the BEGA tournament. But few count that as an official tournament." He continues. Both you and Tess stare at him for a moment.

"You really know a lot about this huh? Why didn't you tell sooner, you could have helped me with Dranzer." You say with a smile at your friend, making him lightly blush.

"Dranzer?" then you explain to them all that has happened to you lately, besides kitten Kai being the actual Kai Hiwatari that is.

"Wow, no wonder you forgot about us girl, you're been true a lot." Tess finally says. She's sitting on your couch besides Bryan, Spencer and Tala. Dan is sitting on your kitchen chair and you on the carpet in front of them, with Kai in your lap. As usual he keeps glaring at Dan.

"I really am sorry about that." You apologise to your friends once again.

"What makes me curious is the fact that you can use and summon Dranzer. I thought no one but Kai could do that." Dan says thoughtfully.

"That's actually something we've been wondering off too." Bryan adds.

"To say it straight. Exactly what is your relationship with Kai? He never mentioned you, yet for you to be so comfortable with Dranzer, you must know each other quite well." Tala continues looking suspicious at you. Seems like you haven't quite convinced them yet, which makes you a bit nervous.

"Like I would have told you something like that you red haired cyborg. I barely tell you anything and you're surprised I didn't tell you about her. Idiot." Kai says. Which for the others only sounds like a lot of meowing and hissing. Tess laughs as the boys stare at the bluish grey furball.

"He really likes to talk huh?" Tess says between laughs, making you blush and the kitten hiss.

"I do not! It's just this form!" he says.

"Kai is just very smart, he probably thought Tala talked to him, so he replied." You say with a small smile.

"As for my relationship with Kai…" the kitten in your lap stopps hissing and looks up at you a bit curious.

"…we're good friends that's all. We often take strolls in the park together or just relax. Nothing special really…" as you says this you swear you can see the kitten get a bit disappointed, but you brush it of as your imagination.

"And it's not like Kai is the most talkative guy in the world, so I don't think it's that strange he didn't tell you." You continue.

"She does have a point Tala." Spencer replies.

"I guess." Everyone turns quiet for a while, lot in their own thoughts. You get up and head to your room, closely followed by Kai.

"I'll finish packing." You state before disappearing into your bedroom.

As you continue to pack you hear mumbled voices from the living room.

"We have to figure out how to change me back." Kai says, once again sitting on your bed.

"That would mean to find the tea lady." You reply while putting a think wool sweater in your suitcase.

"And she comes and goes as she pleases. The times we have meet her she's done something oposit of what we want. Besides if we're to stay and look for her we'll miss the tournament. Maybe this spell will pass on its own." You continue.

"I don't think so. She said it would help me find what I was looking for."

"What are you looking for then?" you ask, turning to look at the small kitten.

"I don't know. Nothing. I have everything I want." He states irritated.

"Obviously there's something." You say, turning back to your closet.

"Maybe I've been missing the tournaments, but if so I'll turn back as soon as the World championship starts." He states.

"Then let's hope that' the case." You reply as you finish packing.

You say goodbye to Tess and Dan and go with the Blitzkrieg boys to Russia to train before the championship. On the plain you fall asleep.

It's warm. A comfortable heat that fills your body and the air around you. Taking a deep breath you open your eyes. There's a dim light in a pale cream colour. It feels familiar, yet you can't remember it. A silhouette starts forming in the light. A phoenix?
A new feeling starts welling up in you. Anger, hatred, destruction. Darkness wells up and devoir the light and warmth, leaving darkness and cold. It's suffocating. It sucks you in until you disappear…

You wake with a jump in your seat, making the red haired male besides you look at you. You can feel a thin layer of sweat on your skin, yet you feel cold and a bit shaky.

"Nightmare." Tala asks still looking at you.

"I'm not sure. It felt so real. I wonder if…" you trail off into your own thoughts as the dream from the hotel room comes to mind.

I'm sure they're connected. I just don't know how. You think as you glance out the plain window into the darkness.

CHAPTER 10:Russia

"Wow it really is freaking cold here." you say a bit surprised as you come out of the plane in Russia.

"I mean, I'm used to winter and snow, but it's never been this cold where I live." You continue. The boys smirk.

"We're used to it, and you'll be soon too." Bryan says and pat you on the head.

"I'm not a child you need to reassure Bryan, I simply stated a fact." You say and give him a bit of an annoyed look. He grins in return.

"Just relax, we'll start training tomorrow since it's already late, so just use the time to adjust." Tala states. Once you reach the BlitzkriegBoy's apartment, located besides the Russian BBA, you're taken by how clean, tidy and light the apartment is. Yes, like so many others you expected a dark and somewhat rundown place to be the BlitzkriegBoys home. Instead it was a brand new, modern apartment with white and grey walls, steel and glass details. Tala notice your surprise.

"We had enough of the dark and depressing when we were kids. The abbey had to pay us a decent pay back for it too." He says smiling a bit. You smile back.

"So basically you're filthy rich." You state smiling.

"Sorry. I guess I just assumed because of your Beyblade reputation." You apologise. The boys just shrug with small smiles. Kai, which has been hiding in your bag until now, looks up at you.

"I live in a mansion and are stronger than these guys. Exactly what does that make you think of me?" he asks raining an eyebrow. You chuckle and shrug. Tala looks curious at the two of you.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you could understand what he says." You look surprised at him. He gives a small smile in return.

"You really are an interesting one." He says looking straight at you. You feel your cheeks get warm and you're sure you're blushing, but his gaze is so intense that you can't help it. Those bright blue eyes and his pale skin is a big contrast to his flaming red hair. Seeing him up close like this, you notice he's actually quite handsome.

"If you don't mind, you can have Kai's room, since he's not here. Well it's more of a guestroom anyways." Spencer says and interrupts your moment with Tala.

"Oh, yeh sure. That's fine. Thank you." You say and follow him to the room, still a bit flustered. Tala looks after you thoughtfully.

"What was that?" Kai asks the moment you close the bedroom door, and you're alone.

"What do you mean?" you reply as you start to unpack.

"That moment with Tala, when you blushed."
"Oh that." The blush immediately returns to your cheeks.

"I don't know. I just felt, well nice I guess. Tala's a good guy. We get along. That's all." You explain as your blush disappears and you continue unpacking. Kai doesn't reply, but sists on the bed and watch you like a hawk until you're done and you go to have dinner with the BlitzkriegBoys.

"I guess we need a new name now, since we have a girl on the team." Bryan says as all four of you sit around the kitchen table, eating the best chili con carne you have ever tasted. Who knew Spencer was this good at cooking. Kai also has a bowl of the delicious food on the floor besides you. Ever since you learned he was actually human, you couldn't bring yourself to serve him catfood. Even if he said it wasn't half bad.

"Yeh we do. Any suggestions?" the whale adds.

"Not really, it's my first time on a team and in a championship so…" you push another mouthful of con carne in your mouth.

"Why change the whole name, can't be keep Blitzkrieg and simply make a new ending? That way people will still recognize us." Tala suggest.

"Does make it easier." Bryan agrees.

"I don't mind." You say also agreeing. All of you turn silent as you think of a new name.

"How about Blitzkrieg Zero?" you finally say. The boys look at you.

"You know, like zero in a number, like starting a new beginning." You add looking back at them.

"That's not so bad. Let's go for it." Tala says and you smile before continuing your dinner.

"You know, you guys aren't half bad, once you get to know you." You say with a small smile. Earning grins in return.

The Russian winter really is as hard and cold as you've heard. If not worse. Yet the new formed team, Blitzkrieg Zero, insists on training outside in the winter weather. You've been in Russia for two weeks now, and finally you're getting used to the cold. Which means you no longer need a long hot shower after training, but can simply dump down on the couch with the boys and relax. You still get tired from the hard training, but to your own surprise, you manage to keep up and you can feel the improvement. The boys notice it too and the four of you get along well. Kitten Kai is the only one who doesn't seem to like this. Whenever you're inside, he makes it clear by sitting on your lap or lying between you and the boys on the couch. When you ask him about it, he simply replies with a "hn" before looking away. You can't help but think he reverted back to his regular, grumpy self which you remember from TV. You take it as a sign that he's returning to his human self the closer you get to the tournament.

"He really only likes you huh?" Tala comments one evening as you're sitting in the livingroom chatting. You shrug with a small smile.

"He has his own personality, that's for sure." You reply, earning a small glare from the kitten.

Find her. Save her. Set her free.
Release her from the darkness.

The dreams, of the voice and the light being devoured by darkness, keeps coming every now and then. You're starting to wonder if it's more than just a dream. No. You know it's more than just dreams. However, you can't figure out what they mean. You haven't told anyone, not even Kai, about these strange dreams. You

"Are you okey?"to understand it more first. You're beginning to wonder if the voice isn't referring to a person, but something else. The question is what. Lost in your own thoughts you forget that you're in the middle of training. As a result, Tala knocks you out so you fall back into a pile of wet snow. Your nose and mouth fills with the cold, white fluff making you cough.

"Are you okey? You seem distracted." The red head asks as he pulls you out of the cold pile.

"I'm fine, sorry. I was thinking of something else." You brush off the snow and pick up Dranzer, which has melted the snow where he landed. A shiver runs down your spine, and for the first time in a while you feel cold. Normally Dranzer's heat would fill your body, but this time it can't seem to reach you.

These dreams, or whatever they are, is getting to me. I need to focus on the championship. I'm still not good enough. You don't know when the championship and blading started to mean so much to you, but now you can't think of a life without it. You shiver again.


"Maybe we should finish early today." Tala says, earning looks from the other two boys.

"Something feels off today so let's just go home." He continues. The two boys shrug and follow their captain's lead. The red haired teen looks at you and notice you're shivering and a troubled look on your face. The captain wraps an arm around you and starts leading you back to the apartment. The other two seem to notice you're off too. Looking surprised at Tala, you're about to ask why, when he speaks first.

"Come on. Let's get you warmed up." With that all four of you return to the apartment.

Kai meets you in the hallway. He stopped coming along to the outdoor training, when you discovered he simply disappears in the deep snow, because of his small kitten shape. He somehow sensed something is wrong and the fact you came home early confirmed it.

"You're home early. Why?" he asks looking at you as you walk true the door. Then he notice Tala's arm around your shoulder, and a small growl escapes his mouth. He can't quite understand why, but he doesn't like the other guys touching you, especially not Tala. Then he notice you're shivering. You somehow seem distant. You excuse yourself and go to take a hot shower to warm up. The three boys and the kitten looks slightly concerned after you.

"What was that about?" Spencer asks. Bryan shakes his head in reply. Tala frowns.

"I don't know, but I think we should keep an closer eye on her. Her nightmares are getting more frequent too." Tala replies. Even if you try to hide it, all four of the boys have noticed your bad dreams and spaced out moments. They just never bring it up because you seem to avoid it. Needless to say they had their fair share of nightmares too, so they don't want to push you about it. Didn't make them stop worrying. Especially a small blueish, grey kitten.

You turn the heat on so high your skin turns pink and red as you drench yourself. Still you can't stop shivering, freezing.

What's going on? Why am I so cold? You close your eyes and try to focus only on the steaming hot water running down your body.

Calm down. Relax. You squeeze your eyes harder together in an attempt to force your body to stop shaking. That's when you see it. A dark, winged creature moving in the darkness. It's huge. Hard red light hits you with a flash, blinding you. You hear the creature scream, a wild predator shriek, like an angry eagle. You feel the darkness closing in on you.

This creature. This feeling. I've seen it before. But where? Just as you're about to realize this familiar feeling, the darkness locks around you and everything becomes black and you feel your consciousness slipping away.