

A letter to my parents
I have no excuse
I failed to be the star,I lost
Who shall I blame
I have no excuse
My parents tried
but I let them down
I know I wanted to please
Them all
Who shall I blame
If only time could turn
That I may correct all my mistakes
If only I could make them proud
If only I could let them save all they spent
Trying to create a better life for me
But I wasted it yet again
Who shall I blame
I have no excuse
I'm sorry mom
I'm sorry dad
I couldn't be that
But even at this stage
I hope to make you proud and raise your head up high.
Who shall I blame
I know you did you best
And my friends did the worst but I wanted to please them
To be liked by them
I know I lost myself
Till now
I still regret
I hope to make you proud to put a smile on your faces

© Llyn writes