

Journal of The Acoplaspe (13)
Dear, Readers/Followers
I am so so so sorry for not writing this part of the story I have been really busy with moving into a new house and not having wifi didnt help so here u guys go enjoy
Loveeeee, MEEEEEE :)

I slam into the snow white wall. I Yelp in pain as my shoulder hits the surface, hard. Lucas is on the other side of the room, distracting Joey. Suddenly a speaker in the room says "We realize this will be hard for you without any weapons. Be thankful for this gifte." A platform suddenly rises from the floor. Something black catches the dim light in the room. I turn my head suddenly as Lucas cries in pain. I run to the platform and see that it's a black gun on it. I grab it and hold it up. tears form in my eyes. Lucas yells "You have to...You have to do it." I look between him and Joey who just about to bite Lucas. I fire the gun. Joey turns. My arm hangs straight in the air towards the ceiling, stiff. Smoke swirls off the tip of the gun. My arm slowly lowers so that Joey's is in its sights. I look at him. I look into his eyes. I see the boy I found so scared in the gas station. The boy who was like my brother. "Joey please..." my voice cracks and tears stream down my face. He stares at me his eyes dart from my face to the gun. A sob escapes my mouth and I tense as Joey walks up to me and looks me in the eyes. He cups my face and says "Tearsa....Please...kill me." his voice is soft and again he says "Kill me....its okay." He grabs my hand holding the gun and guides it to his head. "Tearsa....Please." he begs I look into his eyes they start to cloud again. His body tenses. I close my eyes and pull the trigger. I keep my eyes closed and hear a thump. I drop the gun to my side and fall to my knees. Another sob escapes me and another and another. My whole body shakes. The speaker suddenly comes to life and a voice comes over it"Very interesting that is it for today." Lucas runs to my side and comforts me. Anger envelopes my body and I rip out of his arms. I yell at the speaker "I'll kill you!" over and over. Lucas grabs my shoulder and surrounds me in a hug. I calm and start sobbing again. I Look to the ceiling because I cant bear so see Joey, eyes wide open staring to the heavens.
© adansin