

David and his men lived in the same area as a
rich herdsman named Nabal, a descendant of
Caleb. He was known to be mean and harsh,
but he had a beautiful wife who was much more
practical in how she dealt with others. Her name
was Abigail.
Having David’s army in the area was a great
advantage to Nabal because foreign raiders didn’t
come and steal from his herds. Still, Nabal didn’t
invite David and his men to his annual sheep-
shearing feast. So David sent 10 young men with
a message. “Peace to you and yours. I respect
you as my own father. Your shepherds will tell you
that we have protected your flocks over the entire
time we have lived in this area. Instead of us
coming to your feast, please send some food and
provisions with these young men.”
Nabal said, “I don’t know David. I’m definitely
not his father. Slaves are always running away
from their masters. Tell him to go back to where
he came from. I’m not going to take food away
from my servants and give it to strangers.”
The young men went back and told David
everything that was said. David said to his men,
“Put on your swords. I protected this man’s
goods, and he repays me with insults. Not one
man in his camp will be alive in the morning.”
Meanwhile, one of Nabal’s servants went and
told Abigail what was said and done. He said,
“David’s men were ‘a wall’ to us while we were
out in the fields. They protected us night and
day. We didn’t lose one animal during this time.
Yet, your husband insulted them and refused to
help them. You must think of something because
your husband has offended an army that can kill
all of us.”
Without telling her husband, Abigail gathered
provisions for David’s men. She got 200 loaves of
bread, 2 wine skins, 5 butchered sheep, a bushel
of roasted grain, 100 clusters of raisins, and 200
cakes of pressed figs. She put all of these things
on some donkeys and headed down the road.
As she rounded a corner, she saw David’s
men coming toward her. She got off the donkey
and ran to him. She knelt down with her face
to the ground and said, “It’s my fault your men
were mistreated. I would have treated them well
if I had known they were coming. Forgive my
husband. His name means ‘fool,’ and that’s how
he acts. Please accept these gifts of food.
“It’s the Lord who’s kept you from getting
revenge today. He has always fought your
battles for you, and he always will. When he
makes you king, you’ll want a clear conscience
about this day.”
David said, “It was God who sent you here
today. Your wisdom has kept me from shedding
blood and taking revenge on a man who
offended me. If you hadn’t come, every male in
your camp would have died.” He then accepted
Abigail’s gifts.
She went back home to find Nabal feasting
like a king. She didn’t tell him what happened. He
got drunk and fell asleep.
In the morning, she waited until he was sober,
and then told him what she did the day before.
He immediately had a heart attack and lay in a
coma for 10 days. Then the Lord killed him.
David heard about his death and said, “Praise
the Lord! God kept me from doing evil and
punished Nabal for the evil that he did.”
David then sent a message to Abigail asking
if she would become his wife. She agreed and
went to him.
Meanwhile, Saul gave his daughter Michal to
become the wife of another.
© God Child