

UNoRDINARY part 1 chapter 1

I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery! My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. Anybody would have felt the same if they won 1,000 dollars. I couldn't wait to rub it in my brothers face. I was so excited as soon as I got in my car I texted everybody I knew about it I even slapped myself a couple of times. When I was on the road I got so caught up in texting that I wasnt paying attention to the road. You can probably gues what happened next. I got into a car crash and died. Wait a minute if you died how are you still here? You may ask well when I opened my eyes I was surrounded by clouds but somehow the clouds were hard like I was in a metal cloud cage. "SUBJECT NUMBER 3R72919 HAS ARRIVED", yelled a man who seemed to be almost invisible. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasnt dreaming. When I looked up I was surprised to see the guy in front of the cage . Wow he sure is big I thought. The transparent guy frowned at me saying,"I can hear your thoughts you know". Flustered and embarrassed I turned beat red.red."S-sorry ",I replied avoiding his penetrating gaze.gaze.The cloud cage dissolved and instantly I was shackled and led to big iron gates in front of us. I look around at my surroundings and notice other people shackled and led by men or women that looked like the man in front of me. I screamed super loud before sobbing uncontrollably. I had to be in heaven which means i was dead. then a ghost man came over with a dead man behind him and began to talk to the guy in front of me who he called Edward."Looks like you got a screamer Edward,"the man said slowly."embarrassed he quickly walked away tugging me harshly along."Humans I tell you always causing me trouble ", Edward muttered under his breath . I looked back at the other ghost man tugging at his human and just then I got a glimpse of the man's face. I almost threw up in my mouth at the sight of his face it was so gruesome I couldn't tell where his eyes or mouth were. on his chest was a sign saying building accident . I looked down at my chest and realized I had a sign to reading car accident. I felt so sick as I was without a doubt dead and that I was in heaven. I didnt even notice that we arrived at our location when I bumped into the ghost man. Who knew he'd be solid?"we're here",he said slowly tugging me through another set of iron gates up to a man standing next to a large building called the decided. The man looked at my sign and said "30 days of work till free ment".All of a sudden a elevator appeared and my shackles broke. the ghost man pushed me in the elevator pressing the button 3 which I assumed was my stop. man people-or rather ghost men are quiet rude around here. When I arrived I was once again in a cloud cage which in this case was different because it moved on tracks like a train.train.As I looked around I saw other men and women who were helping around in what seemed to be a workshop.workshop.workshop.workshop.when I turned around there was a man in front of me . "eek!", I squealed jumping back in defense mode. The man was another ghost man except this one was wearing a uniform and he seemed more happier then the other ghost. "sorry to scare you its it's just I'm so excited its it's my first day as a decider, you see I was recruited today to decide your punishment for texting and driving. ",he explained. "once you have finished your punishment you can be given a second chance ,granting you another life but in a different person ,different life,different everything. ", he continued. "what's your name?", he asked me taking me out of my daze. "oh um my name is Naomi", I said hesitantly. "I'm conner!", he said grasping my hand and shaking it vigorously. "I can tell your not like the other ghost men?", I said slowly trying not to sound offensive. "oh of course the others are not so friendly if you ask me ", he said quietly looking around as if someone were going to overhear his statemnet.Sensing vulnerability I decided he was my best bet to getting out of this horrible place . "So I was wandering iif there was a way that people could go back to their families?", I asked trying not to sound suspicious. "Oh yes if course but its it's only used once every 100 years on someone exceptionally good with a clear record. "say you wouldn't have access to this room would you?", I asked . "oh yes we all do but if we even go near there in the forbidden section we would be sentenced to life in heaven. "you know earth has so much human activity I could show you it myself,but I cant because Im stuck here for 30 days without seeing my family, friends, pets....",I said trying to sound as sad as possible even crying a little.Icould tell it was working as he even started crying uncontrollably. "If only there were someone who could get me home", I said sigthing. "yeah its it's a shame", the ghost man said sadly but then he became happy again saying,"wait a second I could help you i have the key to the room then u could take me there!", he said giddy with excitement. "oh but how dangerous would that be!", he said disappointedly. "dangerous is my middle name which to humans means danger conquer ."so I guess its its safe?", he said fidgeting. "yes I guess it is ", I said confidently. "follow me then ", he said quietly. We passed security,cameras,and police guards unnoticed until we made it to the forbidden section. Conner hesitantly took out his key shaking uncontrollably. "You know what your getting yourself into right?", Conner said seriously. "Anything to get my life back!", I said . "Here goes nothing!", he said unlocking the door. He dropped the key and both of us gasped at what we saw.
© kbkma1917