

" Suzie are there any meetings lined up today? " Jeet asked

" Yes sir there is a client meeting today later at this evening " Suzie answered

" Okay at what time? "

" Sir at 5'o clock "

" Okay so after this meeting don't schedule anything more, I will go back home early today " and looking at his watch " Now go for lunch and meet me at the conference room sharp at 4:30 "

" Okay sir " saying this Suzie went from there

Jeet was also preparing to leave when someone entered his cabin

" Hey bro, how are you? "

" Hey Aryy what a pleasant surprise, you will never change na in giving surprises "

" If I change what will happen to this world, you know na everything can change but Mr Aryan can't "

" Ya ya I know of course you and your words by the way when did you came back to India from US? "

" I just came two days back and thought first to meet you and give you a surprise "

" Okay talking will go on but let's go and have lunch first it's already late "

" Ya let's go I am starving "


" So how is everything going back in US? All good? "

" Ya everything is going good, you say what about you? how is everything going here? "

" Here everything is going good in between there were some problems going on but everything is settled now "

" Nice, are you in touch with our college group till now? "

" Not with everybody I got busy in work so but I got all of their numbers. Why? why are you asking? "

" I was just planning for a reunion. But I lost contact with all of you that's why "

" Ookay then I will send you all the contacts "

" Are you in contact with him too? "

Jeet's facial expression changed suddenly listening this

" I hve a meeting now so I have to move now or else I will get late for the meeting, see you later, I will send you the contacts "

Aryan sighed

" Okay I also have some work now I will also move, bye "

Jeet immediately went from there

Aryan sadly said to himself " Still nothing changed between them, hope this misunderstanding will end one day "

He too moved out of the restaurant