

what happened part 3 : the bookings (based on true events)
as the man hovered over my brother I walked toward them and said "hey don't touch my brother we just wanna go man" with desperation in my voice and he turned and walked toward me and Said " ya wanna go"..."let's go then" and before I could tell him we wanted to leave he stormed at me and everything my step dad taught me flashed threw my mind all the year's at a young age of sparing and playing fighting, and bam I landed a massive blow to the side of his head behind the ear and just bellow his ear lob and he stiffened up from the shaking blow that usually puts a 200 pound man down for the count. His eyes bounced around as he fell like a tower backward on the the gravel driveway with a thud.I wiped the gravel dust and rocks off my hands and body as I walked up to see the condition of this poor guy that just snapped in a alcoholic rage. I felt the pains of rocks in my hand that I punched with and my back was sore I must have fell in the dodging of the blows.

As I approached the man Pierre was getting up and saying "shit bro what happened " I replied with "he just freaked out and almost smashed you a bunch with that six pack there" the six pack was around the drive way scattered at this point from the struggling and the man lays there unresponsive and seems to be unconcious me and Pierre look at each other with fear in our eyes and after a minute I say "well let bring him in his house so he's not out in the heat" at this time it was about +35 probably 40 with humidity."Ya sure "Pierre replies. I walked around the man and grabbed him by both biceps and Pierre grabbed him by under his knees and we lifted him.he was heavy dead weight as they would say , hard to move but we managed to carry him 30 feet to the front door and as we approached the door I heard" gurgling" and the man started saying "get off my property " we respond with "ya as soon as we get your dumb as safe inside " the man started struggling as if we where gonna hurt him but with little strength. and we made it up his stairs they where cluttered with empty,shoes and random stuff it was hard to get up the stairs but we made it and we flopped the man on to his bed on his back. just then the smell hit me, it was old moldy ,dog , rotten smell, it reminded me of all the rooming houses I grew up in filled with old drunks or crack heads and I instantly had a heart feeling to stay and make sure this man is ok and wakes up. I didn't care for the man but could leave a man dead in a house like this.
chapter 5

I turned to Pierre and said "I'm staying till he wakes up" Pierre scoffed and said "well I'm out of here" and took off outside.I stood in the mechanic living room ,which was also a bedroom and also a pool table room.I thought to myself nice pool table but such a messed up house there seemed to be valuables but nothing worth a ton then I seen the pool ques.... And everything I left in my childhood streamed back to me and I thought pool ques are worth a lot so I went to check them out,(not happy I did this but i did).as I approached the ques I read on the sides of the amazingly crafted ques 24k gold,and I seen the decales and designs and the are thick strips of gold there is about twenty of these pool ques so I packed them in a bag, my heart beating from the thrill of what I'm doing ,which deep down is just fear mimicking thrill.my palms are sweaty as I throw the bag over one shoulder and I glance over at the still man and every emotion washes over me I got the gut feeling again the one I had earlier but I ignore it.I proceed down the stairs to leave the house and just as I approach the front door I have a second thought about the theft as I go to put the pool ques down beside the front door I realize someone is talking in the drivewat it's the man in the red car this time with his wife "hey what are you doing " she says "I'm just leaving your buddy freaked out and I had to hit him he is inside on his bed".I put the pool ques down and started to walk away the couple talked for a minute then pulled out fast.I looked around for Pierre and he was no where insight,where did he go ,what happened ,did he freak out and run or is he around the property.

As I walked around the house to the back to look for Pierre I seen a scrap yard of old cars boats and beat up trailers just contaminating the land with rust and leaky motor oil and the smell of gas hits me , I'm intreged by this one nice boat something I'v always wanted so I walk up to check the boat out .it was white prestige 60 I believe, it had some blues strips going down it , it was beautiful so I jumped up in to the boat and looked around sat down and imagined driving it and just as I started to enjoy myself I heard it again tires on the gravel drive way and my heart rate jumps up higher then a bulls and I stay put of a second till I hear it "police is there anyone on the property " I stale for a second and then think I did nothing but hit someone that attacked me and my brother.of course Pierre is gone so this is gonna be tough to talk my way out of.I think for a moment then jump down off the boat and reply to the officer "ya I'm back here, I'm gonna walk up front " the officer instantly asks "where is Ronald the person who lives here" I reply with "well he attacked me and my brother , I hit him and we carried him inside he is on his bed inside" the officer says "did you just tell me you assaulted that man" and I said "yes out of self-defense for me and my brother" . the officer started toward me I thought for a second I can make it there's nothing but backwoods around I will run and get away , then I thought I'm fine I just hit him one time and once they get the store I will at most get a small assault charge, no big deal .iso I surrender and walk toward the officer he reaches for his cuffs and say"I just have to do this ti I figure this out " I reply "yes that's fine I don't know where Pierre is I'm sure he is at home he will celebrate my story " the office put the cuffs on loss and opens the back door of his cruiser and stuffs me in. memories of all the time I spent in the back seat and all my mistakes flood my brain I get emotional for a moment as the cop proceeds inside .

chapter 6

I waited maybe 5 minutes I heard static over the radio it sounded busy .all sort of 211s and dispatch talk .and I heard it "we need an ambulance to Thor..." and it cut out and mire dispatch calls went threw as I looked up slowly to look out the window with guilt on my mind I seen the cop rushing out he was white in the face and was speaking fast into his radio . he approached the car and opened the door and started reading me my rights " I wish to give you the following warning: You need not say anything. You have nothing to hope from any promise or favour and nothing to fear from any threat whether or not you say anything. Anything you do or say may be used as evidence. your under arrest for 3 rd degree murder as it stands and will be held under these charges till further notice ".

remember feeling very muscle in my body contract as I heard the officer say this and I screamed "what happened nooooo ,I never ment to kill anybody" and the officer was saying something I don't know what cause the tendonitis kicked back in .but this time nothing would stop it till I proceeded to pull my head back ti I felt the back window just bump the back of my head and with no resistance I swing my head forward with such force that when my forehead hit the dividing window between the driver and the back seat there was an explosion of blood all over the window and running down my face for a second I see white dots and think that's not good enough and go to cock my head back but this time I hit it of the back window and dove forward for another headbutt .this time I seen white and then black for a second till I here the door open again and the cop is screaming "stop son it's not worth it everything will be ok stop please" I hear him and respond with......."can I have a smoke". he reply" sure but you gotta stay calm "
"yes sir I will"

he cuffed me to the front and lite my smoke blood ruined the first one after just one puff so he gives me another an ambulance shows ups and lets me finish my smoke before the wrap me like a mummy and drive me downtown.

it was like a runway for models when they stripped me down naked and started taking pictures I swear they took something like 200 pictures of my body and cloths and belongings , it was like a dream and I wasn't in control they pushed me this way and made me put on what prisoners call the white suite ,which is a tough paper and cotton suit with little white booties and a hood to stay warm ,quite embarrassing I'd say . and they shuffled me down the corridor like hannibal lector with shackles on attached to my cuffs and stuck me in a stinky dirty holding cell with the toilet over filled and clogged an image I know to well, to wait till the detectives came to talk to me ...I smelt the faint smell of blood ,feces and sweat from about 30 mad ppl and I laid down on the cold slab of concert shrugging the chills away because it doesn't matter nothing matters I have just killed a man and didn't mean to and now look at 10-15 in the pen , where people get shived and raped and made to do things they never imagined they would do .so I break and cry till I pass out cold.....
please give me time to write part 4 it will be titled The suicide watch