

There is no one to whom should I tell,
What's going on in my mind,
Everyone sees, but they act blind,
I know my past is not good, sounds so bad,
In between I lost myself but I am glad,
To know that this is the age where no one notice,
Even they pass through teenage always sees my silence, no one knows what the actual voice is,
Every one is busy in reel, no one is realistic,
I'm on the middle, confused which one I should take the district,
They say if you want love, go through the pain,
I went through it but nothing I gain,
To hide the feelings I put on the mask,
This is the only task which I am doing,
But one day I am going,
That day my mask will be opened,
Tears will ruin my loved once,
There I will be showing my pale face,
Every one will cry but I will fly with GRACE.