

Pretty lil dress
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival after all and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate she started thinking. Life seems to be so rude to her. She decided not to go back as she doesn't want to hurt her mother. And the reason was her father could barely afford. She decided to stay back with eyes full of tears. She sat there and continue to cry in the silence of the dark.
Suddenly she felt like someone has held her shoulder. She turned around scared. To her surprise, it was her mother who had a tiny packet in her hand. She amazed glared at her mother who was smiling then she glared at her hand. Her mother knew that she wants to know about that. So she closed her eyes and took a pretty dress of her size out of it. When she opened her eyes filled with tears. She hugged her mother tightly and sobbed like an infant. Her mother comforted her, held her hand and stepped towards home.
She took a bath and wore the pretty dress that her mother brought for her. When she came out with open hair, everyone gazed at her. She hugged her mother and thanked her for the special gift. She ran to her friends for the celebration. Mother was in tears looking at her princess in happiness.
When the celebration got over she came smiling and changed her dress and kept it more securely as she doesn't want her new dress to be touched by any and then she went to sleep.
At the same time, the mother was feeling hard to sleep because of her back pain which was worse that day because of the extra work she did to afford a pretty dress for her Princess. Mother looked at her and felt at ease looking at her sleeping calmly. She couldn't sleep but was happy because of her daughter's happiness. A few hours later she too fell asleep hoping for a better tomorrow.
© Eve_writes_