It's always important to have a focus and a positive outlook on life. most of us like me struggle with day to day stress and anxiety, which are two classes as mental health. our health is so important god gave us life to look after it and that is including the world around us. I am grateful for what I got and so are many others. since the world has been in lockdown I am disappointed to say I have let myself down with my weight and mindset. before all of this I was with a weight loss group and lost 50 lb of weight in about 2 - 3 years. It felt difficult at first but then the more fruit and vegetables I ate and making my own meals from scratch and the inspiration from everyone got me thinking differently and every week I would lose or stay the same and It felt good. during my program i did different diets from vegan to Mediterranean diet, this helped me to understand what it's like to be on a vegan and grain diet. it did cost extra but it was worth it in the end because I still kept losing and I felt happier than I have ever felt before in looking at myself in the mirror. now looking back I see I am back to square one with almost all of the weight i lost back on, so disappointed in myself. all is not lost if i did it back then i will do it again and with help. if any of you guys have got any inspiration to help me get through please share. it feels good to share my thoughts. thank you.