

The old lady and the young man
The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse, he looked into her eyes, and she looked into his, she strangely smiled, stooped down and began helping herself,
"thank you young man, not all have intentions as good as yours" she scooped the gun into her purse and slowly gathered her other items, she took up a picture paused and looked deeply into it "I am a wounded woman with many scars, I have lost alot and will lose no more" she then placed the picture in her bag still smiling, the last item was an old bible "I know conflicting, is it not, life is often that way, as angry as I can be I do try to pray" whispered the old woman, as if to betray her smile and seemingly composed attitude, a tear fell from her eye, then that drop seemed to have burst the dam and it started to pour and as much as she tried her eyelids couldn't hold them back, she somehow managed to compose herself wiped away her tears and saw a hand extended infront of her, this hand led to the face of the young man "may I walk you home ma'am" he said smiling, the woman paused and looked into his eyes and he looked back in hers, she hesitated, and made a sound that sounded like something in between crying and laughing but she took his hand, I still see them walking till this day, I dont know whats in her purse these days but it seems to me like its lighter than usual.
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