

#Say No To Rape#
The sun has gone to rest,
the moon takes his place
as the darkness begins to surround me.
He was always in the dark waiting to devour me.
I was so young and easily manipulated by his strong hands and words.
You would be surprised what those hands could do to me within a second.
He would shun me with one and hit me hard with the other hand.

His coarse whiskey tongue would lick at my skin, stubby fingers curled in my hair. Every time I close my eyes he would bash my head back onto the wall demanding I open them. I didn't t want to, I closed them over and over, anything rather than watch his face lit up with power and lust. He became angry, his force less controlled until finally blood ran from the back of my head and my head lolled like a doll.

He would strip me out of my clothes with violence,
with hot slap to my cheek that brings me back to reality.
His lips on my skin while his hands finds it way down to my lady part, struggling so hard and fighting for dominion.
I wanted him to stop.
And when I wanna scream he would shove himself down my throat.

He was supposed to be my guardian, not my abuser.
He was welcomed into our home with open arms by my parents to watch over me. They were suppose to be here for me not him. They trusted him more than they were supposed to. Now! They've ruined my life! They killed my dreams. All I needed was their attention but I guess I was insignificant and a mistake to the society.

He told me not to tell anyone
He threatened to kill me.
He told me he would spoil me in front of my friends
and they would make fun of me.
I was young and didn't know anything
So I kept my mouth shut and became silent forever.

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