

forming possiblities.. 🤲🥺💫
It's a passion…. It's a dream…
and it requires and undiveded attention
Till we reach our destination…

# #hopeneverdies

Everything in this world was impossible until it was shown by the stupids of the world that it was possible… .
Always seek possiblities…
It dosent mean that there is sone factors
Like returning people from death…
(But still science claims it could be achieved-personally I opposse this)
Because I am a beleiver.. 🤲
But still it makes me wonder..

So I try to put how impossiblity is made into posssiblities…
🥇 thing is to look possblities .
✌2⃣ it requires hard work..
As ELON MUSK SAYS.. work. Like a helll.
3⃣see where u want to reach,and never forget the end, which u wait for..
4⃣ practice by doing small things…
Like baby steps… (practice make humans to perfection…
5⃣live passionately… your love to your dream should reflect in your evey words and life…

And the practice of
consist of SPIRITUAL, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL… formation… .


Once discovered it's the greatest power
(Grace a human could dream. )

Basically it requires a submission,
A blind trust in the creator… .
It should be a belief…
That even make your existence… .
And finally it also requires to be away from

❤deprving some kind of pleasures..
(I do it mainly by avoiding things I like most
Or denying my needs..)

❤Fasting and praying… is greatest. Way..
And each will develop. (From my view)
A unique way to communicate with his creator..


🖤 I am hard to myself…
Literally I treat my body in a harsh way…
(Don't do it directly… I have experienced it
… Obeserved… looked the results..
Then I practice)

🖤I have a regular excercise.. Especially to strengthen my spinal code..
Like hanging up and down..
Doing pull ups..

🖤basketball court… one hour workout..
It's really a hard nut cracking workout..

🖤staying healthy… physical excersise and mainating helthy diet…

🖤I also enjoy riding bicycle without
Catching ots handle…
Like that small, things that could improve the confidence…

🖤if I get a chance I would never let it go…
I will make it…

🖤(in the formation of military… they will
Break ur routines)
I too do it… my sleep.. Study time..
Work… .
Never be reserved for a particular time.
Be available ever…
(It's a true quality of a beleiver too)


it's the hardest battle ever…
We are facing against ourselves…

To meet the gaint inside us… to tap him to awake be ready to wage war against yourself…
(It's actually a blend of spiritual
And physical factors I mentioned above)

It's science… the subconscious mind..
Is most powerful..
Even the greatest men in the earth could only use only 18%(i am not sure of it's accuracy) of his actual capacity..
Then think if we could use upto 30%
(It would be terffic.. They may be super humans…
And I am also afraid they may end species of homosaphiens)
I just mentioned d about possiblities… .

Okke it's again a crude form…

© believer