

Living in small house with big heart.

Some of us are overconfident and some of us are with 0 % of confidence level.

Utilizing the clothes as much as possible. Not only clothes but we try to utilize every small daily use stuffs as much as possible, for example- toothpaste,soap, poly-bags,slippers,rubber bands,newspapers etc.

Very much concerned about the electricity bills.

Some of us are not ready to keep maid at home. Reason? We can't afford them and second big reason is that we don't like their way of doing work and we are never satisfied with them, I repeat never.

We love to dream big but we hate working for it

Travelling in an AC train is a big deal for us.

We take a lot of stress even on small issues.

We control ourselves very much, be it in buying costly furniture or accessories to having good food..we control our mind, stomach and wishes.

Not throwing the cold drink bottle and any plastic bottle or box and using it till it breaks down. We don't throw things easily.. We utilize it to the core.

A big lover of tea.

Holidays and vacations means going to ‘nani ghar’( maternal grandparent’s home).

We love to have food from roadside stalls.

We are not much concerned about the brands of cloth or stuffs we buy but the price of the product.

We use special cup,plates and utensils for the guest which we don’t generally use.

We have many complaints from life

Special food on sundays.

At home we’ll look like a maid, even a maid looks better than us when we are at home

We are damn adjusting people!! We can adjust anywhere in any condition.

We wish to become rich one day, at least to become financially strong so that we don't have to think twice before buying something.

We attain marriages/receptions only to have yummy food there, nothing else

Our mother always buy our clothes of bigger size, so that we can wear it for next 10 years

We are very good at bargaining. It’s one of our favorite hobby!

We have a long wish list which never completes I guess, things get add but wishes are never fulfilled.: (

We use the cold drinks bottle. see, I told you we are very good at utilizing things.

We always face financial problems at the end of every month.

Mayank Pratap Mishra -