

A Brutual Muder Mistry(In Love relation)
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end, I was totally caught in a situation of panic as what I saw was speechless....my entire body got severed as I got extremely agitated and scared of a person who was chasing me from last few hours....came in front me... he was a tall man of a five feet four inch, his head was like a shape of an egg, with a dark mustache of a light brown colour blonde complexion and along with a scary eyes of red colour it's seemed that he was brutally burning up in a fire of anger....!
He slowly come forward and closer to me as much as he could, hold me swiftly and before I was able to analyse anything, he abducted me from there...!
I screamed, as loud as I could....but no one was there to help and rescue me from this dramatic situation...!
I beat him on his back......continously....but he was just busy laughing aloud and aloud...!
I- "Hey, you stranger..., what do you want from me....?
" I am not your property...!, Why have you kidnapped me like this, what is your purpose behind this and most importantly, who are you...?"
Stranger- "Ha, ha, ha...! (laughing like a devil...!) he hold my grudge brishkly and tightly to such an extent...that I am enable to breath my breath got shopped for a second ...and I thought, that now, I would no more ....in this world ....!
Stranger-" I am Carlos.... your father's best friend ... years ago... we both were very good friends and was study in a same college ....!"
I- ..... continue.....!"
Stranger- "It's was a final year of our graduation....and I suddenly got to fall in love with a beautiful and charming looking girl named Emma ....she was so pretty...her eyes glittered like a star,and her complexion shines like a moon ....her long hairs was glossy and soft...!"
Day by day, our talks begin....slowly...we get started to meet each other...Emma...also begin to take interest in me we become a good friends...and our eyes met ...and gradually she also begin to love me ... !
Finally, we have decided to marry ....!
Everything was perfect between us...!
But...I did know...that I was in a bad luck ...!
On a one fine morning...
Emma got to call me ...!
Emma -"Hello.....Carlos...!"
Carlos- "Yes, Emma ....I can....but...where to meet...?"
Emma-" At my residence ...!"
Carlos- "Okay."
When I reached there ....what I saw was unbelievable...!.
Emma was lying dead on a floor...along with a blood flowing from her head ...the body was in such a bad condition that I remained absolutely dumb ....!
My heart shopped beating for one minutes...I just brok up with tears in my eyes...screaming and screaming....!
"My love story ends....!"
"I got to lose the love of my life...!"
When a funeral ceremony is about to begin...I took a pledge in front of Emma's death body ...that I will not leave her culprit till my last breath ... I will take revenge of her death...!"
When I returned back to normalcy after few months of her death
I begin with my investigation to search for her culprit....I started searching for a witnesses.... I took a help of police an entire methodology starts with a tracking up of mobile no, location and time....!
finally, after so much of hard work...I got to know...who was a culprit...!
To my surprise....!
He was no one else, but my own best friend John ....your father... who had killed my beloved...brutually...!
I would at once forgot all about our friendship and decided to kill him in a same way, he had killed Emma...!
But to my dismay....I haven't because he was already suffering from a cancer and now he was in a final stage that is in a fourth stage itself ...!
I thought to my self loughing...."see...a wheel of GOD ....how swiftly it turns...!!!"
"A person who had killed my darling ...now was ocillating in a wheel of death himself...!"
After a few months...I got to know, that John was passed away ....!
When I come to know about this, my happiness knew no bounds...and I felt a sigh of relief and thought that Emma's spirit would now rest in peace...as well...!

I- "But, Sir....why have you abducted me and brought me here with yourself...!"
Carlos-" Just to tell you this hidden truth about your father ...!"
"Firstly...I thought that, I would kill you too as you are his daughter ...but then I postponed my plan of killing you as he was my best friend in the past ...so you are just like my daughter in relation and how could I kill my daughter..., !?"

After hearing this...!
"I realised that he was no less than gentleman who was treating his culprit's daughter as his own...!"
I got extremely emotional and promised him to be like her daughter till my last breath...!