

wanted dead or alive

Chapter 3
Welland longhorns amazment

After Welland longhorns was finished with the entrance of the bright light Welland longhorns saw something amazing that stun his heart it's not a world above ground it was a world long forgotten by time Welland longhorns explore the under world saw prehistoric animals that amazed him so much he got a book that he bought before the murdered of the Indian women and started to write what he has seen on his journeys in the under world and drew pictures of the animals in the under world then he saw a human not a human that was his kind it was a cave women she stared at him and he stared back at her then she disappeared in to the prehistoric jungle so he followed her through the jungle. She lead him to her home and studying him as he is studying her and both were willing to learn from each other Cave women said m-m-My-n-name-i-s-wollon wood. Welland longhorns siad my name is Welland longhorns. wollon wood smiled like she found true love as they both feel the same for each other.

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wanted dead or alive