

loving the gangster

🔥 loving the gangster 🔥

By uc Beverly
This story is not a fairytale
So if you are looking for Prince charming
This story is not for you!!
Plot credit- miss mj
Episode 1
I am Abigail Green, I'm 25 years old and I'm a nurse at Kansas University hospital I was born in Kansas and in 25 years I've never been outside the city, my life is as boring as hell and crave for some excitement
"Hey cindy, is doctor Williams in yet?"
I asked the receptionist at the table
"Oh ... Abigail,he's in his office,but he'll be doing his rounds in 10minutes"
"I just need a quick word"
I replied and she nodded
"Come in"
Dawson my boyfriend ordered
"Hey honey!"
I greeted happily
"How was the night shift?"
He asked and I frowned his first thought is always work!! No hi Abigail, no I missed you Abigail, just how was work this is my boyfriend Dawson we've been together for five years and lately he makes me feel invisible sometimes I would love to shake him and scream I'm right here into his face
He called out still waiting for an answer
"Sorry yeah the night shift was long and very busy"
"Go home and rest will meet at home"
"Would you love to go out with me tonight maybe for dinner or a movie?"
"I can't tonight, darling I'm busy"
"You're always busy Dawson, we never do anything together anymore"
"You know I'm up for promotions soon, I'm trying to make a good impression"
"I understand that Dawson,but would it really kill you to be a bit more spontaneous and romantic?"
"Get your head out of the clouds Abigail real life is not like those stupid romance novels you read when I get the promotion we will have more time together I'll see you at home later I need to get back to work"
He explained and I rolled my eyes and left

Why can't real life be like romance novels ? I was a virgin when I met Dawson at the hospital 5 years ago so my sexual experience consisted of calling up in front of the fire with a good romance book but surely there has to be more to sex than what we got now
"It's not like I want him to rip my clothes off yes you do Abigail don't lie about it"
I don't think Dawson could take control if he tried his too sweet and caring to be all alpha.. but maybe I'll suggest trying new things being a little bit more adventurous

I sat on the bed reading the best romance story of the world...I need to get a cold shower.. the bathroom and drained all my sorrow then went to prepare something to eat
"Looks like it's a meal for one again!!.. I feel like I'm single"
I complaint myself actually I can invite Monica over for pizza she's been calling me for days if I don't make a contact she will show up at work and make a scene
I greeted
"What's wrong?"
She asked as my facial expression was dull
"Nothing mon"
"crack open a bottle of wine and tell your big sister about it"
She boasted placing her hands on her waist
"Sometimes I forget that you are the big sister it's like you forgot to grow up"
I cursed and she rolled her eyes acoustically
"hey don't blame me because you chose to settle down with Doctor Dolittle, I'm not yet ready to hang up my partying shoes just yet"
She did a hair flip
"You are almost 30 Monica maybe it's time you did"
I emphasize walking awayas she gave me a death stare as we ordered pizza and it was but almost immediately we both sat at the dining table silently
"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?"
She asked breaking the silence
"Why? So you can say I told you so??"
I looked fearfully at her
"Has the doctor done something to upset you?"
She queried
"No, he's never around long enough to upset me we've been together 5 years and it feels like our relationship is at a standstill it feels like we are drifting apart"
"Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"He thinks the relationship is perfect but the only time I see him he's in bed"
"How's things going in that department?"
"In bed?"
I asked and she rolled her eyes
"Yes in bed is there fireworks?"
"Does he Rock your world between the sheets??"
She asked dirtly
"I'm not discussing my sex life with you"
"Don't be such a prude Abby, you know I'm an expert in this department"
"It's kind of boring.. oh my god I feel so horrible saying that... It's nice I guess it just doesn't happen very often
"Could he be cheating on you??"
"No!! At least I don't think so he's always so sweet and gentle"
"And you don't want sweet and gentle?"
"I don't know Monica I've never had any different but sex is sex right?"
"Wrong!!, If you are not compatible between the sheets the relationship is doomed"
"We are compatible I love Dawson... Sex isn't everything"
"Oh abby u have so much to learn look if you want things to change then make it happen you can be the one to take control"
I asked ironically as Monica rolls her eyes
"Yes! You take control, grab the bull by the horns,put on some sexy underwear and jump on him as soon as he gets home
"You think that would work?"
"You won't know unless you try"
She concluded as I thought deeply about it

Dawson will be home soon I'm going to take Monica's advice and take control... I changed up to a sexy underwear if this doesn't seem fair I don't know what will... Dawson should be on his way home now
"Abigail ?"
Dawson called out
"I'm in the bedroom"
I replied as I could hear his footsteps coming upstairs
"What the hell!!"
He reacted in shock
"You like what you see??"
"What all this about Abigail?"
"I thought we could have a romantic night in"
I explained
"Have you eaten??"
He questioned
"Have you had dinner yet?"
"Yes Monica came over and we had pizza"
"Do you not like the outfit?"
"It's nice but it's not really you"
"It isn't?"
I asked embarrassed
"You're beautiful honey you don't need to dress up like this"
He advised looking slightly ashamed
"I wanted to try something different"
"You were fine the way you were, anyway I'm going to my mum's for dinner"
"What about our romantic night in?"
"I can't right now I can't keep mum waiting"
"It's important!"
I screamed out
"What's gotten into you tonight!!"
"Are you cheating on me Dawson??"
"Absolutely not, this is your sisters influence.. I've told you time and time again that she's bad news"
"This has nothing to do with Monica,if you go to your mum's now I won't be here when you get back"
I exclaimed angrily walking the way I'm banging the door I don't know why I bother.....as I changed back to my nightwear
"Ok you want to talk?, let's talk"
He said barging in as I gave him a death stare
"So what's all this about??"
He asked softly
"This isn't working for me anymore"
"What's not working??"
"Us!!, This relationship"
"What has brought this on ?"
"I've been trying to talk to you for months and you don't want to listen"
"I'm listening now??"
"we spend no time together I feel like we are drifting apart like you don't love me anymore"
"Of course I love you"
"There is no fireworks"
Should I mention our boring sex life...
"You are really loving and caring Dawson but maybe we could be a bit more adventurous in the bedroom"
I concluded embarrassed of myself oh god he thinks I'm a freak
"I just mean ignite the passion again, fireworks like there was when we first met"
to be honest there was never any fireworks but I don't want to hurt his feelings
"I see"
He spoke up finally
"I just feel like the relationship isn't moving forward"
"we've been together for five years and nothing has changed"
"I agree"
"You do?"
I asked and he nodded slightly
"So let's get married"

end of episode 1
will Abigail be happy about the marriage proposal?
find out on the next episode of...
🔥 Loving the gangster🔥