

Dream guy
I want a guy,
who can wrestle with me and let me win.
who I can talk to about anything
who doesn't judge me for my past actions.
who puts my cold hand in his warm hoodies.
who let's me use his chest as my pillow.
who says I love you and means it.
who will kiss me in rain, sunshine and snow.
who calls me unexpectedly.
who can understand that I may say few things in anger but I don't mean them.
who can tell me his Prblms and let me help.
who will tell me I am beautiful.
who will just hold my hand and look into my eyes during romantic Nighouts.
who will make me laugh with his silly jokes.
who will never let me go no matter what the situation is.
who will just be mine.
just simply mine to hold.
© madhu sah