

The Professors' Teacher
New Book


Let's talk about what it is to be enlightened! (The action or state of attaining or having attained spiritual knowledge or insight, in particular (in Buddhism) that awareness which frees a person from the cycle of rebirth.
"the key to enlightenment is the way of the Buddha").
(a European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition. It was heavily influenced by 17th-century philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, and Newton, and its prominent exponents include Kant, Goethe, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Adam Smith.)
I was gifted as a reader and writer. When I got my B. A. in Systematic Theology, I read a lot of A W. Tozer, R. C. Sproul, John Calvin, St. Augustine, Athanasius, John Hoenburger, Martin Luther, Dr. Robert Stanley, Butler, Augustus, C.S. Lewis and many more! Now the 5 gifts are: Apostle, Evangelist, Prophesie, Teachers, and Preachers. I was called to teach with a B. A. in Systematic Theology, an Associate's in Apologetics, and an Associates in Accounting, with a one year certificate in Seminary!
I think the best book I've read so far is " City of God", by St. Augustine. It was very interesting, to say the least!
But to be enlightened, it takes a lot of study, prayer, reading, meditation, listening, and thinking! And one must be in sync with the Spiritual World! One day you're reading along in your Bible and, bam, it all hits you! Everything you read stands out for you. Like you have a built-in Commentary and Concordance and Thesaurus. The most important ingredient is the Holy Spirit. And your thirst for knowledge is overwhelming! You can't get enough.
However, it is not reading, remembering, contemplating, deducing and calculating; it's an instant thing. You don't look for a book to read, you just start speaking volumes. And everything is facts, unexaggerated, explained in detail, and fortified! When you start up you grab an audience and they stay 'till the end. You soon make a lot of young friends, because youg people are inquisitive and want to know without looking it all up! "Let them do the work", they say!
Though you are now on your way to fast-becoming a scholar, you must be cautious in giving direction to, and taking direction from! The reason for this is you are eager to teach, yet fast out of the gate because of your enthusiasm. It is vital that you stay alittle ahead with your thoughts! One thing about being enlightened one moment is the fact that the words of description come fast and steady, but the format of the subject must be met afore, or your words will fall on deaf ears! I have found that in desparation we fall way short of our intended goal. Let the knowledge speak and use you as a host! You can tell the difference once you begin!
At an advantage with facts and color, you captivate your students and hold them in a tight information-gathering circle so as not to let one mind wonder! For some reason, when one wonders, you have several that will follow!

Chapter One
The properties of subject- matter fall to the "mood" of the crowd. And the mood of the crowd is usually set by what kind of day it is! Sunny-Cherry, Dreary-Drad, Foggy-Fitful! Throw a "life-line", like , pick someone cheerful and ask them anything about the world. Their answer will set the tone for your lecture! Then, you have alot more curiosity, intrigue, fascination, and fun.... at the same time driving home your points!
The most interesting thing about your Seminar is that everyone who came, came for one reason: interested!
What you presupposed a few days prior planted a seed that must be watered!
In the midst of your subject-teaching, a ( I call it a quazar) quazar will ring loud and show off it's colors so to sidetrack you. It is a common phenomenom. We tend to go on about our storyline, however, that occurs as a storyline reaches peak in it's entirety, and it's best not to echo what's already been cultivated!
Format, criteria, reference points, a tad bit of humor, and then a long line of seriousness ending with a plausible riddle or joke to break the monotony!
The beginning and the finish are gullible. For instance, you misread your crowd by not noticing your day, and get a weak start, but pick it up a bit toward the end... because you subconsciously know you started out weak, you'll try to finish harder than requires. We all do it! Oh, and one last tid-bit! Read your students as a whole and don't pick just one to bring attention to a fault of some kind! Like, I had this kid named Edgar one time and he loved picking his nose during the height of one of my subjects. It annoyed me so, that when I called him on it I screamed out his first name, and I never use my students first names unless I'm in a one-on-one! I always say Mr ", or Miss "! The reason for this is, so they won't take up resentment instead of agreement!

Chapter Two
" Foresight"
After around 5 or 6 lectures you will have gotten to know your crowd fairly intimately. It's a chore up to that point to have any foresight, or subject matter planned ahead of time. But at this point you can duck your head and close your eyes and think óf the likes and dislikes; do's and dont's; can's and cant's, and put together a one-hour talk on anything you choose that's a people pleaser, and you can do it two weeks in advance!
This always saved me a lot of headaches and cram-sessions! However you work it, just know that the moment you gain respect from an otherwise, unruly bunch of youngsters, then your job becomes a pleasure and not a chore!
In almost all lectures you have this one wise guy that will get wind of your subject matter and study up for no other reason but to try and trip you up! Prepare yourself, because it will happen at least once in a semester.
In doing a lecture on faithful servants I was blessed with an opportunity to explain Abraham's personality in a little more detail than what the Bible offered. This young lady was hung up on the reason God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. After delicately explaining the reason I commenced to reading out of the Hebrew version of that book, reading the midriffs between God and Abraham. Like when God said, "Take your son to Mt. Horeb and sacrifice him." And Abraham replied, " Which son, I have the three." And God said, " The one that you love"! And Abraham said, " But, I love them all". And God said, "The one that you love". So Abraham took Issac and three witnesses and a backpack of firewood and went!
The young lady said, "But, I couldn't kill one of mine, why would Abraham"? Then I explained to her about Isaac being the apple of Abraham's eye because he waited so long to have him! When I did this, I did it one on one because the subject matter was such that it would have embarrassed her in front of the class! A decision I thought about carefully!
I then asked her if she waited 125 years on a baby to be born wouldn't that baby be the apple of your eye when it was born! To drive his feelings home he remembered how Jacob and Esau had fought to be born first. Essua won but Jacob would ultimately steal the birth right because of Abraham's poor eyesight! And when you explain something of this nature to someone who is naturally confused, the have an awakening, of sorts, for anything else they stumble on because, like this story it becomes necessary to read, reread, look at the narratives in proper perspective and, as you read, know your characters. The story of Abraham drove home the fact that God will not be number two, that's why he asked Abraham to sacrifice his youngest. Another point to circumvent in that story is that Jacob and Esau were not settled in their youth and gealius , one, of the other. Issach was born alone and stood as a Christ-like figure, because when the Angel of the LORD stayed Abraham's hand there was a Ram tied up in the bush that fulfilled that sacrifice! This was indicative of Christ as the Savior!

Chapter Three
Fruit of the Lecture

When you are into about your first 3 or 4 semesters, you have set the stage for more scholars, not to mention opened up some bright minds with your methods! I think it was Sir Winston Churchill who penned the saying, "There are no great professors; only great students! In momentum, you have never uttered foolish afterthought, nor taken advantage of a bright spot created by just the right words and good timing. When we give ourselves goosebumps, we need remember to keep things in their proper perspective and allow any credit for an essay to slowly drift where it must go, seemingly, to find the author, wherever he might be resting!
In my readings of C. S. Lewis I learned that a thousand words can be said with just one look! The only reason a book is written is for remembrance, because had you not taken notes and then wrote your book, alot of it would be forgotten!
If a student ever tries to argue a fact in literary finality, it's because they literally think they would have done that piece differently. Arguments highlight the differences in perspective, position, era, ideas, and personality! And they've been known to inspire a newer, fresher, contemporary way of thinking about the subject matter! When a student thinks they have a better way of arranging the lesson, your patience will be their temporary substitute teacher, when you remain silent and let them hash out the pros and cons. In this way, they're not called out, argued with, or lead astray of their thoughtlife, and, usually, will revert right back to agreeing with the author! But we must let them find the answers for a solace in failed attempts...... Usually an, "Oh, I see"!
Another thing to consider, and I greatly admire Martin Luther for his singularity and individuality, is the strain of a thing, not because it's brass subject matter, but because one area of study can seem like a retread, boring, redundant, seeming without importance, due to the way things are customarily done today. You'll notice this in a larger volume of students especially on Fridays, with a few minutes to bell, and beautiful weather. However, just so they don't create a standard for Fridays, I have made my students stay over for 5, 10, 30 minutes.... because I want that continuation for Monday fresh on their minds, if not planted. Most of the train-of-thought, committed-to-memory, and brainstorms are wasted to the wind because one student, let alone half the class, are ansie to get out the door for their weekend. Now, I'm not a harsh teacher, for a better word, yet I will instill a positive standard of the clock means nothing to me if it's outrunning my lesson for the day. Sure, you'll get some , "Aws", and some, "Come on mans," and a,
" Shoot", but after they're aware of my tactics, they get it right on purpose every Friday at bell! These little put-my-foot-down-moments can make a difference in the difference between being Governor, or being President! And most of what I come up with I learned thru trial and error, wishing my teachers had instilled similar rules; I could have become a Jockey, had this taken place! Funny!

Chapter Three
Graduating Prematurely

By the end of the 6th semester things should be more relaxed, more open, and students graduating to teachers while I relax and try to be a student again! I know this sounds a little hopeful, but it's not far off the Mark. I mean, why not? Proper roll, agenda, essay-writing, note-taking, tests, rests, queries, discussions, arguments, laughter, learning, and roll-playing make for an educational avenue! The Royals Roice of how it's done, why it was done that way, where my students are at with their studies, not one failing grade because of the common denominator between them and me, and attendance is at an all-time high! There is every reason in the world why I should smile to myself, being greatly satisfied, and deeply proud for my students and their amazing curiosity that leads students into the "KNOW!
One day perhaps, I will have made a difference where a difference was the only way that these young adults could be the best of their potential. I do not want any notoriety or medals for the efforts these youngsters put forward. All I did was set the stage and they showed up and played the parts. Their graduations are Hallmark to good lives;happy lives! It just took a few well-placed rules and do's and donts and a show of give-a-damn, and the rest is ..... Future! Yea, my students always graduate prematurely; that way when they hit the stage for their scrolls they can concentrate on not tripping, because no one in my class falls down!
Not everyone will graduate with honors, but everyone will graduate with honor!
All the time it took, all the reading, all the discussions, all the tests, all the confusion, and all the efforts have been the material list for their road to success! The prayers are said;the songs were sung; the inspiration gathered; the seats warmed; the tests passed; the goals met; and the standards set for why I do what I do..... Teach!

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