

When you see yourself what do you think of yourself. I really must ask the question. There is a time when all of you goes away that's in the flesh I say. Did you know when you were created you was more than you could ever imagine. Did you know that there is still somewhere deep down a lamp still burning. I want you to do this as I speak open your heart, and let got of dispair the agony all the the things that you think you was. Why must I say this well you will be lifted with the vibrations the emotion you cannot ignore. Open all of the mind in you allowing your spirit to acknowledge your higher power in which is Almighty God. As you you slowly, but with no denial feel the free spirit with no adversity you will channel in with your higher self. That higher self is your true identity in which when you reach that you will not be exposed to anything of your past it will be non existent. You will be given a certain ability a new conscious from the light within. Know that the emotion, purpose, and direction you are feeling is something you shouldn't ignore. Just be thankful give praise to the creator of the heavens, and earth. Time of this existence this timing is powerful. Let go of the old you of the flesh empower your inner light. Communicate with love, endurance, and compassion to be apart of a new beginning. Just know with all that is said it is the spirit talking. So everyone can come now, and all be renewed. Amen
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