

Locked Inside With You (1/3)
Riya always had a good feeling for this guy called Ryan, and I mustn't lie, almost every girl dreamed of this guy...

however Ryan didn't really focus on any girl, he didn't have time to get committed he was a busy and organised man, he gave attention to his health physically and mentally.

Riya's liking towards Ryan turned into her having a huge crush on him, but it was a secret she kept it to herself... Ryan and Riya were lab partners and they had to create an experiment together...

Riya was excited she invited him to her place and when to her room, Ryan was amazed at her clean and decorated room... he walked to her bed and near that he saw a box

it was labelled riya's wishes...

he saw few papers rolled inside but he didn't give much care,

Riya on the other hand was in the kitchen making coffee she was trying that perfect balance of coffee beans and cream...

she handed a cup to him and sat beside him there was about 2 inches distance between them...

Ryan looked at Riya and I must tell he's impressed with her... she's the only girl who didn't propose to him or chase him...

But Little does he know that she's having a huge crush and she's crazy about him... would he find out? check my profile tomorrow to see part 2

© Maria