

The Love We Used To Have
I remember the day when we first kissed. There was something magical about the kiss. The way you kissed me with such passion and with such emotion really turned me on back then. We were young and madly in love and those days were magical times for us both. I also remember the day we first made love to each other and that was a magical day. For a long time, we were united and had so much fun together until that fateful day. That day changed our lives forever. On that day, I remember arguing with you over something stupid and next thing you know, I felt myself falling to the ground. I saw you standing over me with such a cold look in your eyes. That wasn't the look of my lover, but the look of someone who saw me as their enemy. Since then, we stopped having fun together and we stopped making love to each other. The arguments grew and we stopped sleeping in the same bed together as well. Next thing you know, I moved into a studio apartment and started dating someone else. At first, I did it to spite you, and then I realized that I missed you so much. I missed your smile, your laughter and I just missed your presence as a whole. So, one day; a mutual friend of ours had us meet together at the park and we started talking again and next thing you know, we ended up making out at the park. I broke up with the person I was seeing at the time and I felt good doing that. We made love in our old bedroom and that same old magic was resurrected. The way you would kiss me with such passion and with such emotion has me turned on each and every time. There's something about you that makes me wanna be with you forever, but something in me knows that we're just not meant to be. Before you came along, I've been in love and thought I was with the right person until I had my heart broken. I know I love you and I know you love me too and it's something about that love that makes me feel good. Your love is so addictive. Your love is so wonderful and I just want more and more of you each and every time. But after a while, the magic died and we just stopped being with each other. I moved to another part of town while we both saw other people. Last time I heard, you were married to a billionaire and are living your best life. Me; on the other hand, I've had some other relationships that ended up in breakups, but I started loving myself a lot more and I'm thankful that I'm doing the things that I wanna do. I wish I could see you again, but I know that I'm done with the intimacy and I'm done with the heartache. I've had people telling me that you wanted to see me again, but my heart just isn't into it. That kind of love I know I won't ever get again, but I have the memories that we have and I hope that you keep living your best life. I'm happy that we're broken up because I get to love myself in many ways that I haven't loved myself before. When we were together, I didn't know who I was. I didn't love myself. My whole world was revolved around you, but now that we're broken up, I love myself a lot more and I'm happy that I get to focus on myself for the first time. Thank you for giving me the best relationship I've ever been in and I just want you to know that this isn't a goodbye. This is more of a see you later. So see you later, my love.

© Josiah Bhola Hillaire