

The Nightmare
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? She saw her in pane of glass to her left window and again towards the mist of darkness. She was thinking of her golden days when she used to live with her ex-bf. It was the time of 2 years ago. But now time has been changed, she is living with her family after completing post graduate. She always keeps herself busy in some kind of work like writing articles, reading books, household work etc. The time of night is the most difficult time for her to spend. She always misses her love. Her imagination about her ex was not only for one day instead. Most of the times her ex comes and talks to her in dreams and reality too. Buut unfortunately, that accident was like a nightmare in which she lost her ex, her love, her life ... 😓😥😢