

#APoemOfLove #WricoStory

This day is a special day for everyone. I've also waited this day to come so that I can ask the love of my life to be my date. I have prepared everything. I just need to ask her.

"Tin! Are you waiting for Art?" Isaya greeted me with her usual kind and heartwarming smile.

I sipped on my coffee before smiling back at her. Though I felt a little bit embarrassed about what she said. My face and ears turned red so the lady chuckles.

"I'm sorry, I know she has work to do but I don't want to lose this opportunity," I replied shyly.

Isaya is the owner of this coffee shop and also the manager. Art, my dream girlfriend, is working here as her waitress.

"Oh! It must be Valentine's Day today! If you are planning to ask her out on a date, maybe better luck next time. I saw Dwayne a while ago and he got busted!" the lady said full of honesty.

I let my eyes wander around the shop only to find Art sitting adjacent to the counter and she seems to be spacing out.

I glanced at Isaya who is patiently waiting for me to hand over the red rose and my letter. I heaved a sigh. Maybe it's too impossible for me to date the girl I've been admiring for almost 8 years. She has no time for love.

I gave Isaya the rose and my letter.

"Just tell her that it came from someone who's been enjoying his life waiting for the scorching flame to admire its flare. Someone who has been waiting for the wild waves to be tamed."

The lady nodded wearing her teasing smile then draw near Art.

"What's this?" I heard Art ask.

"Red rose and letter. It's from someone who has been admiring you from afar, waiting to be enchanted by your words— "Date me, Monsieur". Atypical rose who've waited for too long just to be picked by you," Isaya said using her poetic tone.

My eyes narrowed with the lady's words. Art's eyes darted at me so I looked down to avoid her gaze.

I saw her standing up in my peripheral vision, holding the red rose and the letter. My hand trembled when suddenly she was standing in front of my table.

"A red rose for my beautiful lover,
Representing my endless love for her.
A flower that symbolizes love and beauty,
Shows how this man will love her eternally," she read the small note that was attached to the red rose.

I gritted my teeth and blink three times to ease the embarrassment. My heart thumps faster. She opened the letter and I expected her to read it out loud but when I looked at her, she was stunned for a while. My letter is not something special that contains more flowery words, or maybe it's a poem of love that isn't much detailed. I just want to cheer her up because she's been through a lot. I gulped and panicked when I saw her tears fall.

Dear Art,

If you fall on the ground,
Stand up and grow up.
Don't let sorrow beat you down,
You can do better than mourning.

You are the moon of my life,
That gives me light and serves as a guide.
You shine so brightly,
With your smiles that twinkle like stars at night.

Now show me your sweet smile,
I just want to see my world light up for a while.
Don't ever let it rain with your tears,
Just look around and see your beautiful flares.

I stood up when she looks at me.

"Now you made me cry, you are busted," she said.

My face turned pale but I nodded impatiently. I want to wipe those tears.

"I-It's okay. Just don't cry... I-I'll get going then." I excused myself.

Just an inch away from her, she held my hand and I felt the electricity running through my veins. My time stopped.

"Will you let me hear more beautiful poems while we drink some coffee?"

Her words stunned me.

"W-What?" I asked acting like I didn't get her word.

"What toppings do you want? I want strawberry cake and hot chocolate coffee," she said flashing her most genuine smile which made me laugh and happy.

© shesprettyvillain