

The simplicity of the heart
The simplicity of the heart keep your eye single and your whole body will be full of spiritual light of God simplicity can bring out many beautiful things like the light that we see everyday that we are bathing in as light itself has no heat the sun itself created by God gives us the warm or the heat of the day in the morning the sun awakens and leaves it's chamber and runs like a strong man and completes it's circuit thereof and enters its chamber again for the night then the darkness of the night with the absence of light of the sun can bring the coldness of the night then you can see eternity forever without end and the beauty of the stars God gave all the stars names and vast beauty of God and his supreme power through our eyes it is simplicity and we can scarcely take it in to our heart soul and our mind as man as he is we barely understand the greatness of God Almighty only by the power of God and his Spirit and the word of God can we begin to understand the eternal things of God and we just scratch the surface through simplicity he gives us the wisdom knowledge and understanding and the love of God through his salvation and obeying the Gospel of Jesus Christ
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