

The failed plan to save people

(To anyone who is a programmer work hard because this could be powerful and is not limited to… )
these ideas must have come to me in error long ago. because even with my best efforts i have fallen short.
The plan was to create an app that would go out to businesses as to promote better quality workers. The app would be used as a polygraph that would universally use different heart rate monitors such as Fitbit as well as others to check a persons heart rate and breath rate through oxygen levels along with a machine learning algorithm and apply it to career development applications. Make the app free to download in the google app store and get business to raise minimum wage for workers that would wear one. With this the app would promote good qualities on and off the job that the business agree upon like not smoking no drug use, and having fits of anger or stealing. Honest worker equals better pay, the app would also be quipped with safety features, to keep the employees safe on and off the clock such as irregular vitals and alerts to family and friends with location notifying. The hope was that more honest people built in the system using money as an inventive for better qualities, and safer communities that could create a better more repentant world to stop these plagues as a punishment on mankind as happened with Jonah.
I also had plans that would remove lethal weapons from the streets by removing the purposes of needing them, as well as ways that could possibly dispose of garbage in different ways.
Unfortunately it seems i have failed. I have failed to save countless lives. I was a spiritual person and The demons still have a hold on me. And will not leave me alone because of this. The struggle has gotten lighter after the plague started but they will not stop until it is over.
Im tired… the of the weight of this on my shoulders with no help or money. This is out of my scope of things.