

Astha - Forbidden name!
It was a lonely night and was raining heavily. The whole city never witnessed such a hailstorm. Everywhere the power has cut down due to the risk. But more than anything people were scared of that one appearance which they never wished to see in their life. It's none but him, whose name was forbidden to take. Cause if you take then he won't leave you. They know that this is happening all because of the newly shifted family where they had the young girl whose name is Astha. They all tried to warn them but none have listened and instead of getting scared they actually made fun of it.

And all of a sudden power came and the whole city heard that loudest cry. Everyone ran towards the place where they found the young girls body covered with blood. People of the city never thought that revenge will turn out to be so worse. Everyone got scared looking at the bad condition of the corpse. All of them started shivering and some even fell unconsious by one glance of it. At the same time a lady came running to the place.

To be continued...
© Eve_writes_