

To how you can define the word, "Happiness"....?

People say, "there are two kinds of 'Happiness' as one is external and the other is Internal. External; that we find by external activities and things. And the internal is defining itself."

But, I say... no !!!
The 'Happiness' has only one kind and this is 'Internal Happiness'.

Because Every kind of 'Happiness' is containing in ourselves.

Imagine... when you find news that makes you happy, you become happy.
Did you think that why you become happy...? II have the answer... because you like to listen too to on the hat news, you like to get that news.

'You likes', it means you and only you.
If you're started hating that news, it'll not make you 'Happy' after.

And if you're thinking that there is a requirement of the external reason for 'Happiness' so, how we can say that it is 'Internal'...?

We can... Imagine that you're sitting in a lonely place and there is nothing to entertain you and nothing to feel you happy, you feel a kind of 'Happiness'... ( if you're not thinking about anything ) Is it not right....?
Is it an 'External'....?

When you close your eyes at this lonely place without thinking about anything... You'll feel a kind of 'Happiness'. ( if you didn't try it so please try it but, the condition is that at this time you should not have to think about anything. )
So, tell me please, is it any 'External Happiness'....?

So, don't think about 'Pursuit of Happiness', because it is within you and only you...

NOTE - After reading my message if you feel that my message gave you any kind of feel and if you understood clearly what I want to say... So, please provide me a message in the community section and also share your thoughts about it with me so that I understand what is the level of my thinking.... :)

Thank you :)

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