

The Girl and her Room
She was a girl of fifteen. Everyone tried only to corner her, finding faults in her doings and making her cry day and night. She don't like to show her feelings in front of everyone. She only loved but she wasn't loved . Every faults that happen was put on her. Had felt herself hated . She was psychologically effected a lot. No-one tried caring her or her changes. Just for a name sake she was given her all wanted ceremonies and etc. She used to spend most of her time sitting idle thinking of her pain and unknowingly tears will flow . Her toilet was filled with her emotions. Whenever she finds uncomfortable, she moves to the dark room that had nothing,just left empty and cry out loud. So that no-one hears her pain out . She felt that her pain must me burried within her and not let out. When she comes out she'll be looking fresh as strawberry. Still no-one cared.
Such was a teenage girl's life. So hard and fast. She grew to a girl of twenty. Still she wasn't pampered ( obviously it's not the age to). She didn't expect to get anything from anyone. She found peace over the nature that she look up and dream a lot . She started finding her skills. In between she didn't fail to fill her diary. It was inside that dark room. Those four walls knew her more than anyone else in her home. She was fine coming out of that sharing her pain and feelings and flushing out everything there.