

PERCIVAL: The Love Dove
Michael &

“Through it all we were always family. In the heart of despair, the care we felt for each other left us in bliss, and happy."

As Maggie and the family returned home, sweet Percival was already in her cage. As a Dove, she was the sweetest and brightest soul any of them ever saw. So smart, pure; a work of the Divine Potter's Hand. Maggie could not help but reach in and hold Percival for the very first time; after all, she may very well have saved her life.

And Maggie sang her a song:

"My dear Dove
Percival my Love
Help from Above
Sweet Bird of Mine
May you always Shine
Thy soul so Divine
You are as a fine w---"

Percival, for some reason, was stone cold!
She called her.

No response.

"I think there's something wrong with Percival," Maggie addressed the family

"OH MY GOD," the children screamed. "PERCIVAL!"

As they arrived at the vet's, there was nothing to be done.

"I would say this bird," the vet started, with a look of surprise, "had been dead for quite some time!"

"What," Charles asked with astonishment.

The vet continued. "When did you say you received this dove?"

Charles thought. "Just a few days ago."

The eyes of the vet lit up. "You mean you took in a 'DEAD' bird?"

"What do you mean," Charles exclaimed. "Of course not! Just today, it saved Maggie's life!"

The vet laughed in his face. "Okay," she chuckled. "I see! Well, I'm sorry. There's nothing I or anyone can do. Would you like us to dispose of it?"

The whole family shed tears for The Love Dove. Never knowing how or why she came to her end. "We'll bury her ourselves," he said as they returned home in sadness.
The love dove,
Beautiful and majestic.
A mystery,
Yet a blessing in disguise
All that glitters will always
Have an element of goodness.