

New York tragedies part 3
I knew Hector when I was in high school it's time you people new who I am my name is Elizabeth Grantuled. I am female and I am a number 10 detective which is the highest ranking in detective work. This is my 20th case but this is one is more severe. The boy and the girl were married the day before they got shot. Hector is a number nine detective. we work on opposite sides of town that's why I don't usually see him. We started dating in high school then I start working hard he went to parties and we just kind of grew apart from each other.But it's good that that happened or I would never be a detective. Elizabeth "long time no see Hector ever since you left me for that to come party we're done with high school we just separated didn't we." Hector "I'm sorry about that there's about there's a famous singer there I just had to go." Elizabeth "whatever what was done in the past is done now it's time to figure out who murdered these two you have Aurora and Jessie I'll get Georgie ,Johnny, and James and no flirting or so help me I will get another person on this case and I will make sure that you never get another kiss ever. I will make your lips are so big that you wished it wasn't there." Hector "Okay fine no flirting I got look you act like we're still in high school." In my mind we still were.A heart was broken when we were in high school. He left me for a party and on that night we broke up we promise never talk to each other unless it was urgent and this is urgent I left the room to start interrogating people