

write it down
this is more a article than a story

Ideas are the lifeblood of writing they are the start and every point after. While we may not use everyone they can always be used down the road so I try to always make a habit of putting one on to paper of some kind, on my phone or laptop just what ever happens to be closest.

Here are some reasons why you should write as many as you can down and keep them in easy reach:

1) They can be of use when we are stuck.

When that dreaded writer’s block hits me hard I like to pull out my stash of ideas some are just random things like painting colors others are discarded fights or characters from long ago. That just never found a home after a revision or discarding a possible idea but they help maybe those painting colors find their way into the description of a room in a faraway castle the heroine or hero finds themselves in while hiding. That discarded character from long ago may have finally found their home by jumping into the story.

2)They can bring back memories.

Let’s be honest here we all forget those ideas can sometimes be apart of a memory of that memoir may need to bring it together that you may not have been brought back as clearly if it wasn’t for that note.

3)They can lend to one another.

This was covered a little in number one but worth it’s own point you can never be sure when a previously discarded idea could be of use in a current project or help you fix a problem that you have been having or inspire something new.

I know this article is a little short but with having to juggle work, writing and general life I have been a bit busier than I would have liked

As always feel free to comment and leave questions I would gladly answer any.

If you want to read more there are several on wolfingtonbooks.wordpress.com