

Truly, I'm Okay
Life becomes easier when you don't have to worry about anything and just take one step at a time, but this doesn't mean you have to be idle, lazy, or stagnant. Write your views and share a story with us.

Life becomes easier, of course, that is true. But, it doesn't mean everything is solved.

Problems and challenges fall upon us every day that we, soon, get used to it.

It does get easier. You just have to do it every single day, without stopping.

Waking up. Eating. Sleeping. Communicating. Reading. Writing. Swimming. Smiling. Laughing. Crying.

Many more things, these make us human.

These are milestones in our little lives. How many people died today? How many people can't read because they've gone blind or talk because they've gone mute?

Everything we do is a stepping stone, tiny, yes. But, baby steps are still movement, and that is what's important.

To never give up.

Waking up even after a tough night? Good job.

Sleeping even after having a tough day? Good job.

Smiling even though the world is crushing your shoulders? Good job.

Laughing even when your years prick your eyes? Good job.

Crying even though you feel empty? Good job.

Everything we do good is a good job.

Keep living on, even when you can't love, even when you aren't love.

Just wait until you can finally truly say: “I’m okay”.

© Rosabella Thorne