

Mr.CEO's hot secretary
Chapter 2. Wakey, wakey princess

I took a quick glance at the building before I boarded a taxi and left.Since I have the whole day for myself, I decided to pass by the grocery shop to pick some food.

I and my roommate usually eat canned food the entire time so, I decided to cook some good food since I was off work.

Reaching the door, I retrieved my keys from my purse and twist the doorknob. As soon as I enter, I head to the kitchen to make something before my friend Jessie gets up.

"And what do you think you're doing home at this hour of the day?"she asked me narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes at her question not bothered at all"seems like someone doesn't want me home, I guess I should be going already "I said I pretended to stand up to leave.

"No dear,that's not what I meant to say, it's just that you are usually busy with your work and I am a bit surprised to see you now"Jessie said in defense.

I already knew what her response would be but I enjoy seeing her helpless, I really enjoy troubling her.

"Alright then sleepy head I know you are surprised but shouldn't you be happy that I am here to save you from your entire day of boredom"I raised my brows at her teasingly.

I swear I just saw Jessie rolling her eyes and wondered where she learnt that because I never seen her do that before.Throwing that idea at the back of my head, I stood up and went to my room and locked my door.

Luckily enough, she never came to bother me as she usually did and complemented her internally before I lay on my bed to take a nap.

Few hours later, I woke up and headed to the kitchen to make something for lunch.

I am confident about my cooking skills because I earn compliments from Jessie every time I cook.I quickly prepared the meat loaf and pasta.

I was quick to lay our small dining table before I went to know on Jessie's door to come and have her lunch.

As I expected, she started praising my cooking after we were done eating.How this friend of mine never disappoints me, I thought to myself.

I strode to the kitchen with the dishes in my hands before this annoying girl followed me"aren't you going to say something about why you home?"she asked in a serious tone.

This is what I have been avoiding this entire time but it's already happening, I was so frustrated about it. I sighed before I told her everything that happened.

The moment I was done , she looked more angry than I was myself when I received the news"what, who even does that?that man must have left his brains some where this morning "she sighed frustrated.

"Wait,did you say that you were transferred and going to work with John Smiley, oh my, I jealous of you how can you be that lucky"she said to me dreamily grinning ear to ear.

Feeling disappointed , I wondered why one would still be happy to work with someone of that nature.
I stomped out of the kitchen leaving Jessie dumbfounded.

She followed me congratulating me , truth be told, I was sick of Jessie 's gaze which was full of admiration .She doesn't even know how worried I am about my life with the so called nation's asset.

"Are you done fantasizing about him coz I don't think I can stand you any longer "I finally managed to say.She stood right in her spot and looked at me confusion visible in her eyes.

"What's wrong baby, why aren't you happy, if you don't want me fantasizing about your new boss then am sorry, I can't stop"she said and I shook my head in defeat.

Not wanting to continue arguing with her because in any way, I will loose, I stomped into my room closing the door behind me leaving Jessie day dreaming happily.

I picked my pho e and started playing with it, I didn't realise when I dosed off.I only noticed I dosed off when Jessie knocked on my door asking me to watch a movie with her.

"I will be there in a second"I yelled at her getting off my bed and dragging my body to watch a forced movie with her before she comes to knock on my door once again.

After a long argument about what to watch, I finally give in to her choices .I am used to being helpless with this friend of mine.
We have been friends since high school and I hate the fact that someone understands me more than one I do sometimes.

While watching the movie, my phone beeped and right when I checked, it was a message from Damon , I was wondering what could he be wanting.
Damon:by the way Sam, I forgot to tell you that you need to be on time tomorrow for work.
Sam:Alright then, thanks for the reminder.

'You've done something really helpful this time 'I thought to myself as Jessie brought the pizza from the delivery guy at the door.

In the middle of eating, I glanced at my phone only to notice it was already 08:40pm.I hurriedly finished my meal and as I headed to my room, I heard Jessie complaining.

"You...where are you going, didn't you say you were here to do away with my boredom, how forgetful "she said sarcastically.

"I don't think your prince charming will be happy if I am later on my first day at work "I replied to her and left to my room.

I quickly slid into my pajamas and went straight to my bed to catch a wink of sleep after this annoying day.

The next morning, I woke up to the annoying Jessie who was scratching me feet so as to wake me up"wakey, wakey princess , do wanna be late today do you?"came her annoying words

Hearing her last line , I was quick to get up and headed to the bathroom .I made sure to everything on time and as I was moving out of my room, I bumped into Jessie carrying my breakfast.

I was already at loss of words coz I don't actually remember when was her last time making me breakfast. What's wrong with her today.

"Are you going to eat or not?"came her words and I was brought out of my daze , sat down and started eating.

"I will get ready and drop you off, I don't want you to get on the wrong side of my prince charming"she said before heading to her room.

How could I forget about that,because of her prince charming not her best friend for all these years.'So tiring being this brat's friend and not being thought of 'I thought myself and continued to eat