

Bloody roses part 1
Finally ! done with our graduation, can't believe time just flies , I remember my awkward first day(neha) ..Yes neha !me too ,leaving the college with the memories we had (karan),what about celebrating our friendship with nice trip ... sheetal do you think our trips will work we made many plans till now( karan) ...karan I think we can go somewhere which is not too far so that this time our trip wont fail ...(sheetal) karan, neha think about a interesting place(sheetal) ....what about a day in bali ?(karan) bali takes one day to go by car( sheetal) yes dude lets go there !
all prepared guys we need to move now ,yes karan we are done packing our bags(girls) ...oh hello ! we are going for one day you guys packed these many bags do you guys stay there forever ...karan please stop making fun of us ...lets move now ..driving leave to me ...you girls cant drive in roads of woods ...sheetal I think we need to show what we are ... neha go ahead(sheetal)
... journey started ...
Is this a correct route ...?Yes neha karan is directing me ...Google is directing me (karan)...stop karan we cant always rely on google (sheetal) till now we are safe then y to worry girls ?(karan) ...looking like we are heading somewhere( sheetal) you girls chill ... I am there ( karan) ...Our worry is you karan ...filled with laughter yes sheetal ! ( neha)
....after some time....
karan should I take right or left ?
neha our sir is sleeping , wait I will help you (sheetal) ...wake him up dude as he suggested this trip may be he is familiar with the route ( neha ) ... do we arrived ( karan) ? no karan not yet ...then why are you waking me ... ( karan) looks like something is wrong karan we are into forest now ! and you are sleeping ( neha)
damn ...phone signals are not available ( sheetal ) its dark what to do now ( neha ) lets sleep some where here today lets continue our journey tomorrow... The best idea you ever gave karan ( sheetal) ... but were to stop ( neha )
dude its simple stop where you find some people ( karan)
....after some time....
finally !!! I can see some people here ( neha)...Yeah lets stay in this hotel ( karan )...karan do you think its a hotel its looking like shit I dont stay here ( sheetal ) we dont have any option sheetal we have to stay here (neha)...okay !(sheetal)

.....To be continued in next part stay tuned.....Thanks for reading!
© sush_writings