

A guy set a trap to catch one of those giant rats that attack chickens in the compound.

For many days, the trap caught nothing. Instead the corn that was attached to the trap as the bait, started sprouting. Since the corn wasn't properly planted; it didn't grow into becoming a maize plant either.

I guess the rats had a better choice of delicacies than a corn attached to a stick. 😁

Some people said, he was supposed to roast the corn so that it will have an inviting smell that will attract the rats to the trap. (Do you agree? 🙂)

The trap caught nothing.
The rats roamed 'terrorising' the chickens.
The guys plan was not achieved.

Most times we plan to solve a problem but the approach used gives no solution.

We need to check our approach to solving a problem so that our efforts would not be like that of the guy whose trap caught nothing.
© Thebeezybee